Let's look at another post that fills the INFORMATION VOID ...... and then we will add some additional clues.
The Nikola Tesla EARTH sin wave vibration BORDER wars and the perception problems of Congress and CIA Hollywood mentality
Rd-blog-number-6188 by Herb Zinser reviews the modern views of structure and existence … compared to the BEDROOM mentality of adult citizens and their communities….. communities of Carl Jung collective unconsciousness.
The Carl Jung collective unconscious community of people has a biased, narrow GROUP MIND that sends people to Congress and the UN (United Nations collective of UN.conscious countries that send semi-conscious representatives to the New York City UN building …….. the world convention …… region of convergence site for unconscious people …. to lazy to study basic algebra and physics ……. to learn about solid state reality and Nikola Tesla sin wave oscillations.

The above bio-physics OUTPUT devices generate harmonic sound waves … of INTELLECTUAL dribble that flows from their primordial subconscious MIND directly to their mouth.
Their sin wave format … and the format used by music …

The above human oscillators ….. also use oscillation expression theory in the bedroom with their boyfriends. They claim oscillation superiority over the Nikola Tesla oscillating … alternating cycle electric motor.

Thus we have the world of Nature’s various systems and their variety of expression formations …such as the world of energy and oscillations ….. along with its SYMBOL MACHINE words and concepts.

Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Immigration and Border Issues of various EARTHLY existential physics world that interact with human societies …….
people whose lives revolve around music, Hollywood movies and
television, sports, and talking ……. people who have no respect for
knowledge and serious matters and issues that requires optical activity
with math and science textbooks
Congressional Hispanic …
The Immigration and Border Issues Task Force provides
a national voice (of harmonic sound waves of the collelctive TALKERS that blabber on cell phones)
a national voice (of harmonic sound waves of the collelctive TALKERS that blabber on cell phones)
and leadership with regard to immigration and border issues, both within the halls of …
Border Security | The House Committee on Homeland Security
Border Security
B or der Security
Bedroom orders dermatology / skin
Security for Mrs. hot woman and her advanced brain systems and her perceptions of what’s happening outside the BEDROOM
House Committee on Homeland Security
The Growing Problem of Unaccompanied Children …. Chairman McCaul to Lead Congressional Trip to the Southwest Border.
Thus we have borders ………. schools of thought , ideaology borders, etc ….. that are ignored.
The Two Cultures BORDERS – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hypnotized CIA ought upgrade their brain cells ….. instead of talking on molecular cell biology CELL phones
Nature’s version of the CIA —> evolution to –> KIA uisng the 38th parallel of the English alphabet.
Location 3 + 8 –> letters C + H –> letter k in position 11 of the alphabet and in your alpha/numeric …
SKU11 processor ….. that is a warehouse of ideas with and inventory of knowledge …. SKU –> Stock Keeping Units –> SKU 11
Below, the atom English alphabet ….. energy field has 2 formats of expression ..
a) physical expression of iron automobiles, copper wire for electricity, carbon for organic chemistry
b) the SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHTS of physical atoms … using energy in English alphabet letters and graphic arts
Thus the keyword AtoM … states …start at ….. first location A and thru the sequential range of letters to M.
Thus word AtoM …… also states ….. A to M …that is the living language

Latter …… A C ……. H …K
Address … 1…..3……….8…….11
The CIA ought upgrade its brains in accordance with Nature’s SIMPLE quality control standards for humans … that bragg and boost to much … and respect the CIA people gives citizen and Washington, DC bull-stories and incomplete explanations.
Central Nervous System and Nature ….
Subset DEMO agency using humanoids
that claim Intelligence and the wisdom of Age –
Central Intelligence Agency –
.…………………………………..ncy –> secret broadcasts VIA nancy
Nancy (comic strip) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Central Intelligence Agency – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aerial view of the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters, Langley, Virginia.
Agency executives: John O. Brennan, D…
Formed: September 18, 1947; 67 years ago
Headquarters: George Bush Center for …
Em –> Electromagnetic bio-radio and bio-telvision BRAIN STEM em = employees: 21,575 (estimate)
The Mind Has No Firewall – Strategic Studies Institute – U.S. …
Strategic Studies Institute
CIA ignores many pieces of information …… as they PLAY the
Washington, DC foolish game of macho man, superiority and big-shot
…… and fail to explain tragic signaling EVENTS ..both domestic and
Radiohead – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Field Engineer – Entry/Developmental – CIA
Field Engineer – Entry/Developmental – CIA
Field Engineer – ……………………mental – CIA project to develop a human brain OUTSIDE of the Carl Jung collective unconscious HERD mentality
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Jonny Greenwood offers update on new CIA skull song and dance ….. Radiohead
Consequence of Sound
Langley, Virginia.
Langley, Virginia.
Lang ….. Language control systems
using words, nouns, verbs, adjectives broadcast on television and
distributed via newspaper ads and type fonts,etc.
Langley, Virginia.
Langley, Virginia.
Langley –> Lang + angle + ey
–> Languages + angles ( body language SECRET geometry hand /arm
signals and body position) + eye (optical and the body
skin/dermatology secret infra-red BEDROOM social control system
Langley, Virginia.
Langley, Vir –> .ohms law of Virginia ………… brain electron circuit and brain optical circuit AWARENESS failures at Langley.
§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
adjustment of internal relations to external relations.
we have many EARTHLY parallel universes and their expressions …..
music EAR people, Sunlight EM waves used in BOTANY, nitrogen cycles
with the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet for the cellulose TREE BUD …. and
its human agent group name ….. BUD –> Buddhists.
Czechoslovakia | historical nation, Europe | Britannica.com
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Czechoslovakia | historical nation, Europe
Czechoslovakia | historical nation, Europe
… echo…….. cia + hi/ hello america (hia) –> kia
Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same .
“echo signature”
“echo signature”
“echo signature”
Czechoslovakia | historical nation, Europe
Czechoslovakia | historical nation, ,,,rope theory on the existence of string theory and puppet string universities
String theory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PUPPET strings propagate through space and interact with each other (via human interface devices).
CIA Analytic Performance: Strategic Warning …
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
recommending changes in priorities …
recommending changes in priorities …
recommending changes in …….rities …
Rites of passage | Define Rites of passage at Dictionary.com
Czechoslovakia | historical nation, Europe
…..echo ……..kia –> Mia Farrow and Vietnam war
Vietnam War POW/MIA issue – Wikipedia, the free …
………mia –> high school and college math students military
requirements and duty to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 370 abstract
brain CONCEPT processor and its THOUGHT defense system
Mia Farrow……. messenger . representing Nature’s math systems
Frank Sinatra codes –>
Frank –> Base 16 hex’F’ = 15 rank and file (of data files of sine waves)
Sinatra –> sin + a + tra –> sine wave america TRAP
Above ….. the country of Czechoslovakia … and the 1968 TIME wave ECHO.
Prague Spring – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Prague Spring (Czech: Pražské jaro, Slovak: Pražská jar) was a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia during the era of its domination by the Soviet Union after World War II. It began on 5 January 1968, when reformist Alexander Dubček was elected First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ), and continued until 21 August when the Soviet Union and other members of the Warsaw Pact invaded the country to halt the reforms.
Czechoslovakia Prague Spring
….echo………………………….ring –>
For Whom the Bell Tolls – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nobel Prize in Pavlov’s experimentAward
The Nobel Prize is a set of annual international awards bestowed in a number of categories by Swedish and Norwegian committees in recognition of academic, cultural and/or scientific advances
Pavlov’s Dogs and U.S.ARMY dog tags | Simply Psychology
www.simplypsychology.org › Home › Perspectives › Behaviorism
by S McLeod – Cited by 2 – Related articles
In his modern experiment, Pavlov used a high school classroom bell as his neutral stimulus.Whenever he gave food in the high school cafeteria to his dogs (and the best friend of man and Boy Scout Sam Hengel of Marionnette High School in Wisconsin), he also rang a bell.
After a number of repeats of this procedure, …NOBEL scientists are hypnotized…brain prisoners.
Prague Spring – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the 2013 EARTH Nikola Tesla vibrations ….
reform movement at the party BOSS site of Boston, Massachusetts
..the years 2013 echo of the Boston Marathon bombing …..code DUBCEK (Double check) for the
reform movement at the party BOSS site of Boston, Massachusetts
..the years 2013 echo of the Boston Marathon bombing …..code DUBCEK (Double check) for the
DUBLIN Irish braggards of Boston (Double Blind experiment)
DuPage County FermiLAB thinkers (Duplicate PAGES for parallel processing)
and HinDU scientists and mathematicians
( Paul Von Hindenburg and Herman Hesse(Siddartha) ……
the Hyderabad (code Hydrogen water continuum and Baden Baden geography region of Europe ….. rope communications link to the subcontinent of Asia) …
DuPage County FermiLAB thinkers (Duplicate PAGES for parallel processing)
and HinDU scientists and mathematicians
( Paul Von Hindenburg and Herman Hesse(Siddartha) ……
the Hyderabad (code Hydrogen water continuum and Baden Baden geography region of Europe ….. rope communications link to the subcontinent of Asia) …
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency
Welcome to the CIA We b S –> we Bull-shirt ….. the shirt equation minus symbol R.
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Includes links to their World Factbook, chiefs of state, and studies in …
The World Factbook – CIA
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Czech Republic Economy 2015, CIA World Factbook
Czech Republic Eco……………………….World ac
Cz echo Republic Echo……………………….World ac = alternating cycles
Hierarchy problem of the CIA ….. a subset institution of Nature’s
COMPUTER EARTH CMS (Content Management Systems)
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nikola Tesla – Master of Lightning
US Quake Test Goes “Horribly Wrong”, Leaves 500,000 …
Jan 14, 2010 – The Tesla weapons being developed by the United States are based upon the research of Nikola Tesla who was an inventor and a mechanical … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …
Since the late 1970’s, the United States has ‘greatly advanced’
the state of its earthquake weapons and, according to these reports,
now employees devices employing a Tesla Electromagnetic Pulse, Plasma
and Sonic technology, along with ‘shockwave bombs’ they have previously been accused by Russia of employing in their war against the Afghan peoples when one of these ‘devices’ was exploded in Afghanistan in March, 2002 triggering a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake.
San Francisco Bay View » Three in a million: Voices from …
Thus we see various clues about a complex puzzle that scientist ought study and explain.
.Let’s look at another blog post that provides more data and concepts for researchers.
The Wisconsin sin wave interceptor explains the Nikola Tesla Sino-Korean conflict expressions
RD-blog-number-6187 by Herb Zinser reviews the Wisconsin earth interceptor region for SIN WAVES. sin wave life forms, and their translation into standard ENGLISH language …. basic science explanations of Nature’s human EVENTS and REALITY processes.
Wisconsin earth …….
…………sine –> sine wave oscillations as described by Nikola Tesla

Tesla’s oscillator – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nikola Tesla free energy: unraveling Greatest Secret
Nikola Tesla free energy, a Device to
Harness Cosmic Energy. … T.H. Moray simply expanded on Tesla’s idea to
use high-voltage to create ionic oscillation.
Nikola Tesla: Mechanical Oscillator – RexResearch

Thus the city of OS –> Oshkosh ..acts as a double oscillascope
Code word –> Osh and Osh –> Osh + K + osh
Oshkosh, Wisconsin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Code word –> Osh and Osh –> Osh + K + osh
Code word –> Osh and Osh –> Osh + K + osh
Wisconsin ……. osh + K + osh ………… SYMBOL MACHINE connection
………….sin……..o………K …o
Thus the oscillations at Oshkosh ..have an affinity to link to other sine waves …such as
History of Sino-Korean mathematical-physics EARTH surface relations – Wikipedia, the free …
First Sino-Korean War (A Different History) – Alternative History
First Sin node
First Sin node
First WisconSin no de
First WisconSin know death … node
–> no + de –> northern Illinois University DeKalb
Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia, the free …

The Wi ( Wisconsin) and Illinois geography border
with coDe ….
…………..DeKalb ….. and Lake Michigan wave mechanics
…………………………………………atoMIC ……..wave Mechanics
and the shooting at Cole Hall ….. Northern Illinois University ….
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class on wave mechanics with PSSC physics REALITY demo .. ripple tanks of water molecules was NOT in session
Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students
Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students
Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students
120 students
120 students
120 students and nearby EARTH farm ac –> acres of ILLINOIS farm land used to grow corn and soybeans in the summer
Nature’s periodic atomic table of elements and the
Nikola Tesla electric motor revenge at DeKalb ……… message to the
Department of Justice and their PRIMITIVE brain electron circuits that
claim superiority over all electron formats and expressions ..that may
include some human mistakes.
Next ….. in Nature’s message …. on superiority …. the
NIL (Northern Illinois) extension ….. the execution of Nilsestuen by
Nature’s brain subroutine SYMBOL CODE implants into his brain ….. to
increase the probability of making s fatal judgement error.
Rod Nilsestuen,
SUPERIOR state DATCP head with SUPERIOR thoughts of the supremacy of
Wisconsin farmers over all of Nature’s existences and projects ,
drowns in Lake Superior
The Daily Cardinal
Thus we see the EARTH WARS being played out … the tragic signaling events printed in the papers.
First Sin node
First Sin node
First WisconSin no de ….
………………………………..northern death ..the murder of Sam Hengel of the I/O PORT of PorterfieldMotive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige …
The Plain Dealer

The COMPUTER EARTH war zone in northern Wisconsin by Marinette..

Again…we see the input/output PORT for sin wave ERROR data FIELD ..is near upper MICHIGAN ..land surface.
code –> Porterfield –> port + error + data field of various alternating cycles, oscillations, sin waves, electromagnetic waves, etc

Wisconsin border upper Michigan
………… sin border upper Mic
………… sin border upper atomMic . the border and the expression zone

Below, H energy code–> H en –> Hengel and the bio-physics WARS
The Hengel wave function and code word
–> Schrodinger –> subset codes –> sch + rod –> School rod/gun

The Marionette theater puppet dance at Marionette High School.

……….. dualities …. applied physics to EARTH geo-physics locations
Marionette Theater with puppet string physics and bio-physics …… performances at EARTH geography location
Marinette High School in Marinette, WI | Education.com
www.education.com › SchoolFinder › Wisconsin › Marinette
Rating: 3 – 2 reviews
Marinette High School located in Marinette, Wisconsin. …See Marinette High School’s male test(icle) results to learn more
about school (actors) INTELLECTUAL performance.

Thus, electrons create what we call standing waves,
Thus, electrons create what we call standing waves,
Thus, electrons create what we call standing waves,
Thus, electrons create what we call standing waves,

Wisconsin high school hostage-taker Samuel Hengel dies …
British Broadcasting Corporation
after a stand-off
after a stand-off
after a stand-off
after a stand-off
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who held …
Daily News

electrons create what we call standing waves,
they are unable to cancel themselves out and must meet back exactly where they started,
Samuel O. Hengel – EH Extra
Eagle Herald
Green Bay, Wis
Green Bay, Wis
Green Bay, Wis in year 1995 they started
and must meet back exactly where they started,
and must meet back exactly where they started,
and must meet back exactly where they started,
Wisconsin high school hostage-taker Samuel Hengel dies …
British Broadcasting Corporation
died on Tuesday morning at a hospital in Green Bay.
died on Tuesday morning at a hospital in Green Bay.
died on Tuesday morning at a hospital in Green Bay … in the quantum BATTLE with the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Below, the input/output PORT with Einstein’s FIELD theory –> information pointer to –> Port Field –> Porterfield

In addition …..
born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel.
Ann (Clayton) birth of new man
Ann (Clayton) …. EARTH soil/ clay/ ground ….. and the clay people …. new version of EARTH man born .. to travel thru life … via the Boy Scouts and the outdoors
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man …
Salvador Dalí Museum

Thus, the EARTH electron continuum and its expression system ….
electrons create what we call standing waves,
Images for clay

they are unable to cancel themselves out and must meet back exactly where they started,
Adam and Eve – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam and Sam Hengel Clayton
was made of clay.
Understanding and Improving Clay Soil – Organic Gardening
organicgardening.about.com › … › Soil Building › Improving Your Soil

Adam and Eve – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Quantum entanglement – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How Quantum Entanglement Works (Infographic) | Spooky …
Apr 8, 2013 – In quantum physics, entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by great …
Quantum entanglement – Science Daily
Science Daily
Nature’ systems messages ….. and REAL LIFE exmaples
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam was made of clay …. the life and death of SAMPLE SPACE element …
EARTH LANGUAGE sample identifier …Sam –> Sam Clay( ton) Hengel
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam was made of clay…………….
in which the quantum states of two or more objects (or shooting events) have to be described with reference to each
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia, the …
whereas Adam was made of clay and sand (Silicon dioxide from Silly Con Valley).
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam was made of clay and sand (Silly con die ox idea from California)
whereas Adam was made of clay.
whereas Adam was made of clay ….. Adam Lanza –> code translated
–> Adam Lanza –> Lanza –> Lan + z + a –> Land z -axis …. the vertical standing wave humanoid.

Thus we see some message from Nature’s systems …. ..and scientists ought try to figure out the configuration of the message, etc.
Let’s look at another blog post that provides more concepts and data for researchers.
EARTH LANGUAGE and the murder of a Clayton family member .. a factor in the BOSTON bombing
Rd-blog-number-by Herb Zinser reviews the Boston bombing database and the nonsense explanations given about the tragic EVENT ….. and omission of vast amounts of empirical data about the underlying levels of REALITY involved in the BOSTON bombing.
The event …
Boston Marathon Terror Attack Fast Facts – CNN.com
In BOSTON bombing in year revealed the Boston system of information schemes and news reporting rackets approved by the Justice Department ….. and the biased TRIAL.
Let’s look at the murder of an EARTH …. Clayton family member ….. Boy Scout Sam Hengel of Wisconsin earth …. from Porterfield / Marionette , Wisconsin …. in the context of the Nikola Tesla EARTH vibration theory …… of energy and the sine wave oscillation continuum that is an existential physics substrate ……. a operating system platform …. that is the foundation of much of existence on EARTH and Nature’s expression formats …. such a s humans and their human behavior.

Wisconsin earth

Thus we see the Tesla oscillation I/O PORT at Porterfield that received incorrect instructions from BOSTON earth ……………. social and financial system engineers.
BO + OS + TON –< Base zero … OScillations …… an EARTH tons/weight COMMAND center
Let’s look at the EARTH oscillation communication systems … via another blog post.
EARTH iron core orders year 2013 bombing in Boston, Mass for violation of the TON / weight / mass LAWS
Rd-blog-number-6177 by Herb Zinser reviews the Boston Marathon race bombing database in the context of the well-known EARTH wars …. the Science Wars … World War 3 …… World War Z..
The Science Wars – Cardiff Universitywww.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/…/science–wars.html
Cardiff University
This page by Harry Collins explains the ‘science wars‘, which began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had …The Sociology of Science for Non-Sociologists – Cardiff …www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/…/sociology-of-science.html
Cardiff University
The science wars could be said to be a fight about the causes of scientific beliefs (what scientists take to have been proven). To caricature, on one side are those …
Cardiff University
This page by Harry Collins explains the ‘science wars‘, which began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had …The Sociology of Science for Non-Sociologists – Cardiff …www.cardiff.ac.uk/socsi/…/sociology-of-science.html
Cardiff University
The science wars could be said to be a fight about the causes of scientific beliefs (what scientists take to have been proven). To caricature, on one side are those …
Take a Tour | Milwaukee’s Historic Third Wardwww.historicthirdward.org/…/takeatour….
Historic Third Ward Association
to Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward – the place to live, work, play, dine and shop. Just three blocks south of downtown, the neighborhood is now known as …
Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward
Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward
Mil wa u ………………….Third War rd
Milky Way universe (level) World War 3 Research designated region of SIN WAVES in the Nikola Tesla oscillations …… EARTH energy wars…… with code Base OS / JCL –> Bos –> information pointer to Boston problems
Historic Third Ward Association
to Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward – the place to live, work, play, dine and shop. Just three blocks south of downtown, the neighborhood is now known as …
Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward
Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward
Mil wa u ………………….Third War rd
Milky Way universe (level) World War 3 Research designated region of SIN WAVES in the Nikola Tesla oscillations …… EARTH energy wars…… with code Base OS / JCL –> Bos –> information pointer to Boston problems
Boston Marathon bombing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013.The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street. They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.An unprecedentedmanhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown, Mass ……
geography state of Massachusetts and atomic mass (of water molecule in Watertown, Mass) and religious mass.
The Boston Marathon bombing was a terrorist attack, followed by subsequent related shootings, that occurred when two pressure cooker bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013.The bombs exploded about 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 pm EDT, near the marathon’s finish line on Boylston Street. They killed 3 people and injured an estimated 264 others.An unprecedentedmanhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown, Mass ……
geography state of Massachusetts and atomic mass (of water molecule in Watertown, Mass) and religious mass.
color:#444444″=””>Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns,
verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in
math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
<span “font-size:10.0pt;=””
font-family:”arial”,”sans-serif”;color:#444444″=””>Using Galileo’s
suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre
existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2
CHIEF existential entities<span “font-size:12.0pt;=””
color:#444444″=””>1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways,
iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules,
gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
<span “font-size:12.0pt;=”” color:#463434″=””>
<span “font-size:10.0pt;font-family:”arial”,”sans-serif”;=”” color:#444444″=””>2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
<span “font-size:12.0pt;=”” color:#463434″=””>
<span “font-size:10.0pt;font-family:”arial”,”sans-serif”;=”” color:#444444″=””>2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Maps and Territories – RijnlandmodelLanguage in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Hubbleton, Wisconsin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hubbleton, Wisconsin is located in Wisconsin … Hubbleton is an unincorporated community located in the town of Milford, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, United ..Watertown, Wisconsin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Watertown is a city in Dodge and Jefferson counties in the US state of Wisconsin. Most of the city’s population is in Jefferson County. Division Street, several …History– Geography and climate – Demographics – Education
Hubbleton, Wisconsin is located in Wisconsin … Hubbleton is an unincorporated community located in the town of Milford, Jefferson County, Wisconsin, United ..Watertown, Wisconsin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Watertown is a city in Dodge and Jefferson counties in the US state of Wisconsin. Most of the city’s population is in Jefferson County. Division Street, several …History– Geography and climate – Demographics – Education
Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middlewww.excludedmiddle.com/earthquake.htm
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may …Avibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may …Avibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …
Thus the Boston Marathon bombing CREATED earth vibrations with infoirmation content …..
from the TON of bosTON —> to the TON of the EARTH communications HUB … at the TON of hubbleTON with county Highway G = universal gravitational constant..
from the TON of bosTON —> to the TON of the EARTH communications HUB … at the TON of hubbleTON with county Highway G = universal gravitational constant..
Wisconsin earth ..
………….sine waves ……. of Tesla
………….sine waves ……. of Tesla
Geologists unlock mysteries of the planet’s inner corenews.illinois.edu/…/0209inne…
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Feb 9, 2015 – The Earth’s inner core has an inner core of its own, with crystals aligned in a … The inner core, once thought to be a solid ball of iron, has some …core – National Geographic Educationeducation.nationalgeographic.com/…/core/
National Geographic Society
Earth’s core is the very hot center of our planet. … The inner core is made mostly ofiron. It is approximately 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) thick. Although the iron is …
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Feb 9, 2015 – The Earth’s inner core has an inner core of its own, with crystals aligned in a … The inner core, once thought to be a solid ball of iron, has some …core – National Geographic Educationeducation.nationalgeographic.com/…/core/
National Geographic Society
Earth’s core is the very hot center of our planet. … The inner core is made mostly ofiron. It is approximately 1,200 kilometers (750 miles) thick. Although the iron is …
Boston Marathon bombing of 2013 – Britannica.comwww.britannica.com/…/Boston-Marathon-bom…
Encyclopaedia Britannica
April 15, 2013 – A pair of homemade bombs detonated in the crowd watching the race,… …
During the EARTH atomic number 26 …. gun battle,
26-year-old agentTamerlan Tsarnaev, identified as …
Encyclopaedia Britannica
April 15, 2013 – A pair of homemade bombs detonated in the crowd watching the race,… …
During the EARTH atomic number 26 …. gun battle,
26-year-old agentTamerlan Tsarnaev, identified as …
2013 – A pair
2013 – A pair
2 and 013 –> A pair –> 013 + 013 –> 026 ferrous oxide IRON atom and the atomic English alphabet 26 symbols LINKED to energy ……. giving energy to SYMBOLS –> therefore SYMBOL LIFE in 2 sections 13 letters and 13 letters ………… A to M (spells ATOM) …… N to Z implies N-space, numbers, and the complex number… math life of Z .. in addition to its traditional English language usage .
Iron Man (2008) – IMDbwww.imdb.com/title/tt0371746/
Internet Movie Database
Rating: 7.9/10 – 612,272 votes
With the world now aware of his identity as Iron Man, Tony Stark must contend with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his father’s …(2008) Poster – Trivia – Obadiah Stane – Plot Summary
Internet Movie Database
Rating: 7.9/10 – 612,272 votes
With the world now aware of his identity as Iron Man, Tony Stark must contend with both his declining health and a vengeful mad man with ties to his father’s …(2008) Poster – Trivia – Obadiah Stane – Plot Summary
Ironman Triathlon – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironman_Triathlon
An Ironman Triathlon is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) consisting of a 2.4-mile (3.86 km) …
An Ironman Triathlon is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) consisting of a 2.4-mile (3.86 km) …
Boston verson Ironman Tria …3 –> year 2013
An Ironman Triathlon is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by
Nature’s World systems consisting of a ………… … Representing IRON MAN
atomic number 26 —> 26-year-oldTamerlan Tsarnaev,
An Ironman Triathlon is one of a series of long-distance triathlon races organized by
Nature’s World systems consisting of a ………… … Representing IRON MAN
atomic number 26 —> 26-year-oldTamerlan Tsarnaev,
Messenger RNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is part of EARTH and its large family …..
including human RNA molecules that convey genetic social policy information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.
Transfer-messenger RNA – Central dogma of molecular – Mature messenger RNA
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is part of EARTH and its large family …..
including human RNA molecules that convey genetic social policy information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.
Transfer-messenger RNA – Central dogma of molecular – Mature messenger RNA
Thus we have the EARTH and its iron core ….. and the EARTH geography surface in Boston
.. and the Nikola Tesla BOMB vibrations with their ECHO signature …. a process well-known in Boston and Washington, DC.
.. and the Nikola Tesla BOMB vibrations with their ECHO signature …. a process well-known in Boston and Washington, DC.
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic – Wikipedia, the free …https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czechoslovak_Socialist_Republic
The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Czech/Slovak: Československá socialistická republika) was the official name of Czechoslovakia from 11 July 1960 until …
The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (Czech/Slovak: Československá socialistická republika) was the official name of Czechoslovakia from 11 July 1960 until …
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
…..echo……………..cia list public
….. echo….. cia list publications …..
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agencyhttps://www.cia.gov/
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Official site provides news and information, publications, offices of the CIA, and careers. Includes links to their World Factbook, chiefs of state, and studies in …
Welcome to the REAL CIA Web Site
–> Central Nervous System ….. Nature’s systems … Central Intelligence Agency
that uses human BRAIN bio-computers with MFT (Multiple-Fixed Tasks) per announcement
by the nicotine military molecule alliance with acteylcholine neurotransmitters
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
…..echo……………..cia list public
….. echo….. cia list publications …..
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agencyhttps://www.cia.gov/
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Official site provides news and information, publications, offices of the CIA, and careers. Includes links to their World Factbook, chiefs of state, and studies in …
Welcome to the REAL CIA Web Site
–> Central Nervous System ….. Nature’s systems … Central Intelligence Agency
that uses human BRAIN bio-computers with MFT (Multiple-Fixed Tasks) per announcement
by the nicotine military molecule alliance with acteylcholine neurotransmitters
OS/360 and successors – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS/360_and_successors
OS/360, officially known as IBM System/360 Operating System, is a … MultipleSequential Schedulers (MSS). Option 2;
(BRAIN) Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (MFT);MFT 2 … 3System/370 and virtual memory operating systems …. The same JCL (Job Control Language, for initiating batch jobs), which was more …
OS/360, officially known as IBM System/360 Operating System, is a … MultipleSequential Schedulers (MSS). Option 2;
(BRAIN) Multiprogramming with a Fixed number of Tasks (MFT);MFT 2 … 3System/370 and virtual memory operating systems …. The same JCL (Job Control Language, for initiating batch jobs), which was more …
Tesla EARTH vibrations ………..Cz echo slova kia
| historical nation, Europe | Britannica.com
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Nov 26, 2014 – Former country in central Europe encompassing the historical lands of Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia. Czechoslovakia was formed from ..
| historical nation, Europe | Britannica.com
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Nov 26, 2014 – Former country in central Europe encompassing the historical lands of Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia. Czechoslovakia was formed from ..
Thus the EARTH iron core SYMBOL Language….. AND the EARTH surface iron vehicle with iron alphabet SYMBOL name KIA ……..
thus Nature’s systems … the echo message of KIA to human society and its thinkers ..START THINKING.VIA EUROPE communications system code –>. cz echo slow va kiaKia Vehicles – Car News and Reviews | Autoweek
by Jay Ramey – 07/29/2015. – What is it?The first time we saw a Kia Sorento was back in 2003, when it was a body-on-frame SUV with a forgettable exterior and …Kia Motors – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to Kia Motors, the name “Kia” derives
from the Sino-Korean words ki (“to come out”) and a (which stands for Asia), it is roughly translated as “arise or …List of Kia Motors automobiles – Kia Optima – List of Kia design and … – Cadenza
thus Nature’s systems … the echo message of KIA to human society and its thinkers ..START THINKING.VIA EUROPE communications system code –>. cz echo slow va kiaKia Vehicles – Car News and Reviews | Autoweek
by Jay Ramey – 07/29/2015. – What is it?The first time we saw a Kia Sorento was back in 2003, when it was a body-on-frame SUV with a forgettable exterior and …Kia Motors – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to Kia Motors, the name “Kia” derives
from the Sino-Korean words ki (“to come out”) and a (which stands for Asia), it is roughly translated as “arise or …List of Kia Motors automobiles – Kia Optima – List of Kia design and … – Cadenza
from the Sino-Korean
from the Sino-Korean
from the Sino-Korean
….m the Sin
…mathematics sin wave ..EARTH surface …mathematical-physics surface of EARTH land .
.with Logartihms of LOGAN, UTAH and Kip S. Thorne.
from the Sino-Korean
from the Sino-Korean
….m the Sin
…mathematics sin wave ..EARTH surface …mathematical-physics surface of EARTH land .
.with Logartihms of LOGAN, UTAH and Kip S. Thorne.
Nature’s message …………. about the EARTH iron
core and the EUROPEAN … czECH ECHO LINK to the ASIA KIA iron
object.Thus we have 2 iron objects ….. the EARTH iron core and the EARTH
surface iron KIA motor vehicle ………and the EARTH LANGUAGE …… Nikola
TESLA ECHO .. with the Isaac Asimov psychohistory ….
,cz.ECHO.slova.KIA concept equation..
from the Sino-Korean
from the ….. no-Kore rea …n
from the ….. node -Kore reality n-space
from the ….. no-Kore rea …n
from the ….. node -Kore reality n-space
The symbol machine word …core ..iron core –> Language evolution of thinK –> Kore
Thus we have 2 iron objects .…. the EARTH iron core
and the EARTH surface iron KIA motor vehicle ………and the EARTH LANGUAGE
…… Nikola TESLA ECHO .. with the Isaac Asimov psychohistory ….
,cz.ECHO.slova.KIA concept equation.
Thus we have 2 iron objects and 2 atomic number 26 messengers from the brain dead Boston /Cambridge region.
Boston Marathon Bombing Trial: Who’s Who – WSJ.comgraphics.wsj.com/tsarnaev-boston-trial/
The Wall Street Journal
Mar 3, 2015 – See who’s who in the EARTH iron core trial of Boston Marathon cortex awareness problems ….. ..
a) The older Tsarnaev brother died at age 26 following a chaotic gun battle with law …
b) That evening, police were called to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus,
where a 26–year-old university police officer, Sean Collier, had been fatally shot.
The Wall Street Journal
Mar 3, 2015 – See who’s who in the EARTH iron core trial of Boston Marathon cortex awareness problems ….. ..
a) The older Tsarnaev brother died at age 26 following a chaotic gun battle with law …
b) That evening, police were called to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus,
where a 26–year-old university police officer, Sean Collier, had been fatally shot.
from the Sino-Korean
Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge – Wikipedia, the free …https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino–Korean_Friendship_Bridge
The Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge, Sino–Korea Friendship Bridge, or China–North Korea Friendship Bridge (renamed … Other Sino–Korean border bridges:.
Border Disputes between China and North Koreachinaperspectives.revues.org › Numéros › 52 › International Relations
by D Gomà Pinilla – 2004 – Cited by 8 – Related articles
Sino-North Korean relations experienced periods of great strain during the 1960s and … 5The Sino–Korean border has been changed a great deal over the centuries. ….. 29China, for its part, periodically publishes books and maps affirming the …
Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge – Wikipedia, the free …https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino–Korean_Friendship_Bridge
The Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge, Sino–Korea Friendship Bridge, or China–North Korea Friendship Bridge (renamed … Other Sino–Korean border bridges:.
Border Disputes between China and North Koreachinaperspectives.revues.org › Numéros › 52 › International Relations
by D Gomà Pinilla – 2004 – Cited by 8 – Related articles
Sino-North Korean relations experienced periods of great strain during the 1960s and … 5The Sino–Korean border has been changed a great deal over the centuries. ….. 29China, for its part, periodically publishes books and maps affirming the …
Sino-North Korean relations experienced periods of great strain
Sino-North Korean relations experienced periods of great strain
Sino-North Korean relations experienced periods of great strain
Sin………………………………… periods of great strain
Sino-North Korean relations experienced periods of great strain
Sino-North Korean relations experienced periods of great strain
Sin………………………………… periods of great strain
Thus we see the EARTH WAR messages played out
in year 2013 at the Boston Marathon race ….. and the omission of the
important trial data from the Federal government and Boston newspapers
biased, data manipulation of the TRIAL of EARTH messenger RNA
…Tsaranev..Below, the Tesla EARTH geology zone
Above ..the China ( also named Sino) border with Korea .
First Sino-Korean War (A Different History) – Alternative Historyalthistory.wikia.com/wiki/First_Sino–Korean_War_(A_Different_History)
The Sino-Korean War was a war that lasted from April 4th 1891 to June 6th 1897. It was started…
The Sino-Korean War was a war that lasted from April 4th 1891 to June 6th 1897. It was started…
The First BOSTON Sino-Korean War (A Different History) – Alternative Historyalthistory.wikia.com/wiki/First_Sino–Korean_War_(A_Different_History)
The Sino-Korean War was a war that lasted from April 4th 1891 to June 6th 1897. It was started…
The Sino-Korean War was a war that lasted from April 4th 1891 to June 6th 1897. It was started…
History repeats itself ………
from the Sino-Korean
Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge –
……………rea………………… .Bridge …
Nature’s reality communications bridge …
… messages for Hollywood fantasies of Cambridge ………..
Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge –
……………rea………………… .Bridge …
Nature’s reality communications bridge …
… messages for Hollywood fantasies of Cambridge ………..
Thus we come two the world of SYMBOLISM and EARTH LANGUAGE codes ..linked to Tesla EARTH vibrations
Symbolism | Definition of symbolism by Merriam-Webster
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible
by means of visible
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible or intangible
by means of visible
geography country of China and the billion eaters –> implies the
concpt world of –> China dinnerware, soup bowls, plates, etc …..
and cafeterias and restaurants
North Korea ….. algebra subset letters ………
…or…..K —> implies fork …mouth .. BIG MOUTH families ..eating and bragging…….
North Korea ….. algebra subset letters ………
…or…..K —> implies fork …mouth .. BIG MOUTH families ..eating and bragging…….
DNA Replication Fork … problems of Boston ,,,,,,,messenger RNA …. taRNAev McGraw-Hill Education
DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and …
DNA polymerase can only add new nucleotides to a free 3′ end of a growing. chain …
DNA replication begins when helicase unwinds a segment of the DNA and …
DNA polymerase can only add new nucleotides to a free 3′ end of a growing. chain …
Notice …. the round circular shape of the
geography country of CHINA.Super-symmetry existential physics and
approximation mirrors give
Atom vibrations of china plates – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The typical order of the atomic vibrations frequencies is 1013 Hz, and that of the …Atom Vibrations in Solids: Amplitudes and Frequencies. … Atomic physics.
The typical order of the atomic vibrations frequencies is 1013 Hz, and that of the …Atom Vibrations in Solids: Amplitudes and Frequencies. … Atomic physics.
Introduction to experimental physics, theoretical and …https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1178016684
A.F. Weinhold – History
44), for which a china plate may be used.
… it will not vibrate very long but quite long enough for oneexperiment,
and may be started again for the next one.Download as PDF – InTechwww.intechopen.com/download/pdf/35036
Apr 5, 2012 – ceramics are usually circular, so the vibrationcharacteristics of …piezoelectric ceramics disk had been study intensively by many of … theoretical calculations were applied to the circular piezoelectric ceramic plate with partial ….. of Finite Dimensionspiezoelectric ceramics disk
piezoelectric ceramics diskpiezoelectric ceramics disk ….. the parallel ..with the earth geography
CHINA surface … like a ceramic disk of land, soil, and clay …. with the
piezoelectric PRESSURE applied onto the EARTH geography disk by 2-legged China people.
A.F. Weinhold – History
44), for which a china plate may be used.
… it will not vibrate very long but quite long enough for oneexperiment,
and may be started again for the next one.Download as PDF – InTechwww.intechopen.com/download/pdf/35036
Apr 5, 2012 – ceramics are usually circular, so the vibrationcharacteristics of …piezoelectric ceramics disk had been study intensively by many of … theoretical calculations were applied to the circular piezoelectric ceramic plate with partial ….. of Finite Dimensionspiezoelectric ceramics disk
piezoelectric ceramics diskpiezoelectric ceramics disk ….. the parallel ..with the earth geography
CHINA surface … like a ceramic disk of land, soil, and clay …. with the
piezoelectric PRESSURE applied onto the EARTH geography disk by 2-legged China people.
Above, humanoids of weight … .. use their legs
and applied TOE theory …… to apply piezoelectric pressure to the EARTH
surface in the their EARTH LAB experiment.[PDF]Chapter 4: continued Atomic Vibrations using CHINA geography to simulate a clay potter CHINA dinnerware
Why frequencies are …www.physics.uwo.ca/…/Chapter4c_Vibrati…
University of Western Ontario
1. Chapter 4. Chapter 4: continued. Atomic Vibrations. Every atom in a solid material isvibrating very rapidly about its lattice position within the crystal.Coupled mode theory for nonlinear piezoelectric plate …www.researchgate.net/…/3260413_Coupled_mode_theory_fo…ResearchGate
Coupled mode theory for nonlinear piezoelectric plate vibrations … Inst. of Acoust., Nanjing Univ., China … An experiment which verises the amplitude-driving voltage relation predicted by the theory … flexural coupled vibrations in a small rectangular piezoelectricceramic plate (8 … Applied Physics Letters 03/2004; 84(10).
Why frequencies are …www.physics.uwo.ca/…/Chapter4c_Vibrati…
University of Western Ontario
1. Chapter 4. Chapter 4: continued. Atomic Vibrations. Every atom in a solid material isvibrating very rapidly about its lattice position within the crystal.Coupled mode theory for nonlinear piezoelectric plate …www.researchgate.net/…/3260413_Coupled_mode_theory_fo…ResearchGate
Coupled mode theory for nonlinear piezoelectric plate vibrations … Inst. of Acoust., Nanjing Univ., China … An experiment which verises the amplitude-driving voltage relation predicted by the theory … flexural coupled vibrations in a small rectangular piezoelectricceramic plate (8 … Applied Physics Letters 03/2004; 84(10).
Hierarchy problem and EARTH LANGUAGE Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Supersymmetric solution – [edit]. Each particle that couples

Jump to Supersymmetric solution – [edit]. Each particle that couples

Clay – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clay – Encyclopedia of Earth
Clay is not a single mineral, …………….
Samuel O. Hengel – CLAY extension systems ….
EH Extra
Eagle Herald
He has been raised on the EARTH sin wave … geography surface platform .. known as Wisconsin earth.
Thus the horizontal sine wave of the Wisconsin
geography land surface and the output port at Porterfield ……. for
Einstein’s data processing DATA FIELD theory and its evolution into
applications ……
The above sine wave —-> English capital .. alphabet letter ….. vertical S …. rotated 90 degrees is a horizontal s.
Above, the Wisconsin earth land ……………. horizontal sine wave
Below, the sine wave expression system .. standing vertical graph symbol …… therefore
the Darwin selection of an EARTH BOY …… BOY
Scout SAM Hengel ….for the sin wave bio-physics message for the
University of Wisconsin.
Thus ….. long ago .. in ancient times …. in the
evolution of energy and horizontal sin waves …….. there was the
ocsassion of the first VERTICAL sine wave species of expression to
emerge ..perpendicular to the EARTH surface ….. .and the curvature of
the human spine
Above, Nature’s expression system…… bio-math displays of sine waves ….
Notice, the picture on the right ……the right triangle signal of her elbow
and the
and the
calculus(t) intergration symbol ….. her desire to integrate with math students ..the REAL MEN of the universe
We have the Earth geology plates
….. then the EARTH surface country named CHINA / plate ……
then we have CHINA manufacturing factories that use clay, thermodynamics and pottery techniques to make dinnerware .
….. and then we go to the big city of BOSTON and have a dinner table with CHINA plates/ coffer cups./ soup bowels and forks ………… and people that talk bull-stories
and refuse to help understand the murder of the CLAY people family member …. EARTH BOY of the Clayton line …. .Boy Scout ..Sam Hengel. .
….. then the EARTH surface country named CHINA / plate ……
then we have CHINA manufacturing factories that use clay, thermodynamics and pottery techniques to make dinnerware .
….. and then we go to the big city of BOSTON and have a dinner table with CHINA plates/ coffer cups./ soup bowels and forks ………… and people that talk bull-stories
and refuse to help understand the murder of the CLAY people family member …. EARTH BOY of the Clayton line …. .Boy Scout ..Sam Hengel. .
Samuel O. Hengel – EH Extraehextra.com/Content/OBITUARIES/…/Samuel…Hengel/…/9…
Eagle Herald
Dec 3, 2010 – Samuel O. Hengel found peace on Tuesday, Nov. … old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel. … Samwas a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and …
Eagle Herald
Dec 3, 2010 – Samuel O. Hengel found peace on Tuesday, Nov. … old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel. … Samwas a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and …
Wisconsin Teen Sam Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in …abcnews.go.com › US
Nov 30, 2010 – A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself Monday night after holding a teacher and 23 classmates hostage, police said. … The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam ..
Nov 30, 2010 – A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself Monday night after holding a teacher and 23 classmates hostage, police said. … The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam ..
Let’s return ….. now to Tesla and the sin waves
of the Sino-Korean border and the Sino-Russian geography border …….
.and its relationship to the WORLD of energy oscillations and their
maps and borders..Ann (Clayton) Hengel
Ann (Clayton) Hengel –> Clay … ton ……………. tons of EARTH weight
Ann (Clayton) Hengel –> Clay … ton ……………. tons of EARTH weight
1991 Sino-Russian Border Agreement – Wikipedia, the free …https://en.wikipedia.org/…/1991_Sino–Soviet_Border_Agreem…
The 1991 Sino-Russian Border Agreement was a treaty between the People’s Republic of China and the Soviet Union that set up demarcation work to resolve .
The 1991 Sino-Russian Border Agreement was a treaty between the People’s Republic of China and the Soviet Union that set up demarcation work to resolve .
Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge – Wikipedia, the free …https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino–Korean_Friendship_Bridge
The Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge, Sino–Korea Friendship Bridge, or China–North … China and Sinuiju, North Korea, along the China–North Korea border.Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge – Wikipedia, the free Sin o–K………..Fr Bridge – Wikipedia, the free
Sin oscillation K frequency Bridge
The Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge, Sino–Korea Friendship Bridge, or China–North … China and Sinuiju, North Korea, along the China–North Korea border.Sino–Korean Friendship Bridge – Wikipedia, the free Sin o–K………..Fr Bridge – Wikipedia, the free
Sin oscillation K frequency Bridge
Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge reopens: A sign
with the Korean and Chinese flags is displayed near the Sino-Korean
Friendship Bridge, the biggest border …Frequency SinO(oscillation) –
Russian & Korean borders
F……………….. O …………………R…………..K
F……………….. O …………………R…………..K
How Tuning Forks Hum – How Tuning Forks Workscience.howstuffworks.com/tuning–fork1.htm
By hitting a tuning fork, you’re causing its tines to vibrate back and forth several hundred times per second. Often, the vibrations are so fast that they’re not visible …Tuning Forks and Longitudinal Waves www.physicsclassroom.com/mmedia/waves/tfl.cfm
The Physics Classroom
A tuning fork serves as a useful illustration of how a vibrating object can produce sound. The fork consists of a handle and two tines. When the tuning fork is hit .
By hitting a tuning fork, you’re causing its tines to vibrate back and forth several hundred times per second. Often, the vibrations are so fast that they’re not visible …Tuning Forks and Longitudinal Waves www.physicsclassroom.com/mmedia/waves/tfl.cfm
The Physics Classroom
A tuning fork serves as a useful illustration of how a vibrating object can produce sound. The fork consists of a handle and two tines. When the tuning fork is hit .
Tesla’s Earthquake Machine – The Excluded Middlewww.excludedmiddle.com/earthquake.htm
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … Avibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same ..
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … Avibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same ..
Sino – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sino generally refers to China, the ancient-to-modernhistory of China, the culture … Sino (Café Tacuba album), the 7th studio album by Mexican rock band Café …
Sino generally refers to China, the ancient-to-modernhistory of China, the culture … Sino (Café Tacuba album), the 7th studio album by Mexican rock band Café …
Sino generally refers to China ..ancient
Sino generally refers to China
Sino generally refers to China
Sino generally refers to China .. modern mouths of BOSTON
Sino generally refers to Chin/ mouth oscillations while talking or eating
Sino generally refers to China
Sino generally refers to China
Sino generally refers to China .. modern mouths of BOSTON
Sino generally refers to Chin/ mouth oscillations while talking or eating
Modern version of Tesla oscillators in bio-physics format ….Sino generally refers to ChinaSin o generally refers to China
Sin o gene infers to Chin
Sin wave hole genes Chin …. the mouth
Sin o gene infers to Chin
Sin wave hole genes Chin …. the mouth
Thus …we see EARTH LAB and the Tesla vibrations in various expression formats …
the history of the Sino-Korean and Sino-Russian conflicts …..
and the Boston BOMBING echo signature of year 2013 …that Boston universities are and the Pentagon are to lazy to study and understand.Their oscillation LIFE is focused upon their MOUTH oscillations eating and talking …… hence…… their personal Hierarchy Problems of their human body/brain and its atomic vibrations, thoughts and self-awareness.
At the other END of the mouth eating oscillation … there occurs an ARM oscillation on the bathroom.
the history of the Sino-Korean and Sino-Russian conflicts …..
and the Boston BOMBING echo signature of year 2013 …that Boston universities are and the Pentagon are to lazy to study and understand.Their oscillation LIFE is focused upon their MOUTH oscillations eating and talking …… hence…… their personal Hierarchy Problems of their human body/brain and its atomic vibrations, thoughts and self-awareness.
At the other END of the mouth eating oscillation … there occurs an ARM oscillation on the bathroom.
Gas Laws: Boyle’s Law Calculations on Boylston Street
Davidson College
Boyle’s Law states that the product of the pressure and volume for a gas is a constant for a fixed amount of gas at a fixed temperature. Written in mathematical …
Davidson College
Boyle’s Law states that the product of the pressure and volume for a gas is a constant for a fixed amount of gas at a fixed temperature. Written in mathematical …
Thus we see the rigged TRIAL on Boston ……
as much event data and evidence was deliberately withheld from the jury and the judge by the policies of the Department of Justice and others in in Washington, DC ..whose primary interest is to amuse the citizen /idiot who reads the incomplete explanations printed in the newspapers …. and accepts that as the GESTALT.Thus you have some pieces to one of the puzzles of TOE Theory.Theory of everything – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_everything
:6 Finding a ToE is one of the major unsolved problems in physics. Over the past few centuries, two theoretical frameworks have been developed that, as a …Disambiguation – Quantum field theory – Theory of Everything (2014 film)
A Theory of Everything – PBSwww.pbs.org/faithandreason/intro/purpotoe-frame.html
A Theory of Everything. We have reached an extraordinary point in the history of science, for some physicists believe they are now on the verge of having a …
What is unified field theory or Theory of Everything (TOE …whatis.techtarget.com › … › Computer Science › Computing fundamentals
Unified field theory is sometimes called the Theory of Everything (TOE, for short): … Inphysics, a field refers to an area under the influence of some force, such as …
Thus ..let's review ..... the energy sin waves with Wisconsin.
EARTH LANGUAGE description of Wisconsin earth ..surface of ac = acres of land composed of ac = alternating cycles in units of measure ... ac = acres ..of farm land and forests.
Conversion of Units to Convert Square Foot to Acre (International) : 44000 sq ft = 1.0101 ac. Square Foot sq ft, Acre (International) ac. 44000 Square Foot ...
This LINKS the land number 44,000 to another alternating cycle number 440.
The north Wisconsin region ..... code words ...
Wisconsin death ..fill in the black with --> o -- giving
...............node --> the node of death ....
such as the Porterfield, Wisconsin death of Sam (Clayton family) Hengel at the Marinette puppet string theory High school..
The other death region is the mathematical-physics Dirac matrices shooting battle at Rice Lake Wisconsin ... sin waves ..quantum waves.
Nov 21, 2014 - Terry Willers of Rice Lake, a hunter who received a serious neck wound when Vang shot him, once told me: "What happened sure changed a ...
Oct 27, 2010 - Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004.
Mar 21, 2015 - Chai Soua Vang, 36, of St. Paul, looks back as people leave a Sawyer ... two others after being confronted for trespassing near Rice Lake.
Element Ruthenium (Ru), Group 8, Atomic Number 44, d-block, Mass 101.07. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and ...
The 1962 Sino-Indian War was fought in both of these areas. ... :96 The Chinese statements with respect to their border claims often misrepresented the cited ...
the invitation of Kazakhstan President N. Nazarbayev, Chinese President
Hu ... a notable event in the continued development of Sino-Kazakhstan relations.
The American flag at Fort Hood, Texas, flown at half-staff during a memorial ceremony honoring ..... "'I am the shooter,' Nidal Hasan tells Fort Hood court- martial".
Higgs boson BATTLE at
In the Standard Model, the Higgs particle is a boson with no spin, electric ...... two CP-even neutral Higgs bosons h0 and H0, a CP-odd neutral Higgs boson A0, ...
The Sino-French War (simplified Chinese: 中法战争; traditional Chinese: 中法戰争; ... on Red River trade between Sơn Tây and Lào Cai on the Yunnan border.
Schopenhauer studied metaphysics and psychology at Göttingen and became a ... The world as idea is the perfect mirror of the will, a shadow the body, in which ...
Explore all famous quotations and sayings by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche on ...
The Earth has a skin and that skin has diseases, one of those diseases is man.
Learn more about Dermatology A to Z at aad.org. ... Dermatologists' tips that can help you keep your skin, hair, and nails looking their best. for-kids-icon.jpg ...
Dermatology A to Z - American Ac (alternating cycles) Academy
Skin Cancer for Dummies - See Skin Cancer Photos
The quantity Z is called impedance. For a pure resistor, Z = R. Because the phase affects the impedance and because the contributions of capacitors and ...
Apr 16, 2015 - The impedance of a circuit is the total effective resistance to the flow of current by a combination of the elements of the circuit. Symbol: Z.
as much event data and evidence was deliberately withheld from the jury and the judge by the policies of the Department of Justice and others in in Washington, DC ..whose primary interest is to amuse the citizen /idiot who reads the incomplete explanations printed in the newspapers …. and accepts that as the GESTALT.Thus you have some pieces to one of the puzzles of TOE Theory.Theory of everything – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_everything
:6 Finding a ToE is one of the major unsolved problems in physics. Over the past few centuries, two theoretical frameworks have been developed that, as a …Disambiguation – Quantum field theory – Theory of Everything (2014 film)
A Theory of Everything – PBSwww.pbs.org/faithandreason/intro/purpotoe-frame.html
A Theory of Everything. We have reached an extraordinary point in the history of science, for some physicists believe they are now on the verge of having a …
What is unified field theory or Theory of Everything (TOE …whatis.techtarget.com › … › Computer Science › Computing fundamentals
Unified field theory is sometimes called the Theory of Everything (TOE, for short): … Inphysics, a field refers to an area under the influence of some force, such as …
Thus ..let's review ..... the energy sin waves with Wisconsin.
EARTH LANGUAGE description of Wisconsin earth ..surface of ac = acres of land composed of ac = alternating cycles in units of measure ... ac = acres ..of farm land and forests.
How many feet in a square acre? | Yahoo Answers
Oct 5, 2006 - If you have on acre that is completely square how many feet would it be dimensionally? ... Best Answer: 44,000 square foot 120ft x 120ft.
Online Conversion - square feet to acre
Online Conversion
3 posts
square feet to acre. ... by christian kilroy on 02/23/05 at 23:13:39. how many square feet are in one acre ? ... at 12:05:41. An acre is exactly 43560 square feet.44000 Square Foot to Acre (International) | Area | Unit ...
This LINKS the land number 44,000 to another alternating cycle number 440.
The north Wisconsin region ..... code words ...
Wisconsin death ..fill in the black with --> o -- giving
...............node --> the node of death ....
such as the Porterfield, Wisconsin death of Sam (Clayton family) Hengel at the Marinette puppet string theory High school..
The other death region is the mathematical-physics Dirac matrices shooting battle at Rice Lake Wisconsin ... sin waves ..quantum waves.
10 years ago, 6 deer hunters slain in woods of western ...
St. Paul Pioneer Press
Documentary Re-Examines Controversial Hmong Shooting ...
Tree Stand Murders' recounts St. Paul man's Wisconsin ...
St. Paul Pioneer Press
St. Paul man's ......
Dirac Matrices -- from Wolfram MathWorld
mathworld.wolfram.com › ... › Matrices › Matrix Types
by EW Weisstein - 2008 - Cited by 6 - Related articles
matrices which arise in quantum electrodynamics. There are a variety of different symbols used, and Dirac matrices are also known as gamma matrices or Dirac .[PDF]physics/0703214 PDF - arXiv
by PB Pal - 2007 - Cited by 7 - Related articles
May 14, 2015 - Representation-independent manipulations with. Dirac matrices and spinors. Palash B. Pal. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics.[PDF]Dirac Matrices and Lorentz Spinors
Dirac Matrices
and Lorentz Spinors. Background: In 3D, the spinor j = 1. 2
representation of the Spin(3) rotation group is constructed from the
Pauli matrices σx, ...
Appendix C: Dirac Matrix and Gamma Matrix Traces - Wiley ...
John Wiley & Sons
by Y Nagashima
817. Appendix C. Dirac Matrix and Gamma Matrix Traces. C.1. Dirac Plane Wave Solutions. 6p Б pµ γµ. (6p m)u(p) D 0 , (6p C m)v(p) D 0 u(p)(6p m) D 0 ,
Thus the battle at Rice Lake with Nature's EARTH mathematical-physics
agent Vang --> V + ang --> Vector angle.
Matrices............. and linear algebra ...
In year 1970, we had math President NixoN for N x N matrices and
the math battles in the rice fields of Vietnam ...... with VS --> Vector Space war being played out in the EARTH physical geography war
the math battles in the rice fields of Vietnam ...... with VS --> Vector Space war being played out in the EARTH physical geography war
EARTH math region identifier VS --> Vector Space --> Vietnam South.
EARTH math region identifier VS --> Vector Space --> Vietnam South.
Illinois --> the land of Lines and Columns --> susbet codes --> Lin + Col --> Land of Lincoln
Maryland --> M + ary + Land --> math array land with Pentagon math agent Linda Tripp --> code
--> Linda Tripp
--> Lin + data + trip + pp
--> Lines of data take a trip (travel) parallel processing ......
and the murder of interceptor .... Travis Zoellick in the Township of Emmet by Watertown, Wisconsin.
--> Linda Tripp
--> Lin + data + trip + pp
--> Lines of data take a trip (travel) parallel processing ......
and the murder of interceptor .... Travis Zoellick in the Township of Emmet by Watertown, Wisconsin.
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say
www.jsonline.com › ... › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oct 7, 2008 - ... Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just ... were searching for him, and he confessed to killing Khan over a car.
Now, let's look at the other SIN wave border disputes .....
H.R.399 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): Secure Our Borders ...
H.R.399 - Secure Our Borders First Act of 2015114th Congress (2015-2016) | Get ... 2) Directs the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to submit Border
Governor blames Obama, Congress for border crisis ...
Albuquerque Journal
Jul 9, 2014 - “Immigrants flood across the border – or parents drop their children there ... Democratic members of New Mexico's congressional delegation ...
Governor blames Obama, Congress for border crisis ...
members of Isaac Newton gravity field evolution ..... in New Mexico's congressional delegation ..
The EARTH LAB gravity field specimen in G = Georgia
The evolution of Isaac Newton ..... the modern Newton VIEW ....
used by Georgia TECH thinkers ...
whose bio-physics balls hang by gravity .. giving them complete understanding of REALITY
used by Georgia TECH thinkers ...
whose bio-physics balls hang by gravity .. giving them complete understanding of REALITY
Scrotum Pictures, Area & Definition | Gravity field Body Maps - Healthline
Healthline Networks
The scrotum
(or scrotal sac) is a part of the external male genitalia located
behind and underneath the penis. It is the small, muscular sac that
contains and ... is used by Georgia TECH males to explain gravity to females
Newt Gingrich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich is an American gravity field politician, Newton historian,
author and political consultant. He represented Georgia's carbon atomic number 6th
congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until his resignation
The sine wave is important in physics because it retains its wave shape when added to another sine wave of the same frequency and arbitrary phase and ...
sinusoidal oscillations form the basis for the study of almost all
forms of linear wave motion. In sound, for instance, a single sine wave produces a pure ...
Physics@UNSW ... Further, any wave can be written as a sum of sine waves. Which is strong motivation to study the travelling sine wave in some detail.
Doing TIME for sine wave frequency BIO-PHYSICS social science errors.
Frequency ..... subset code
.......quen cy
........quen + time cycle n ... gives secret word
...............quen + ti + n
San Quentin State Prison (SQ) is a California Department of FCC television and radio SIN WAVE Corrections and Rehabilitation state prison for men,
located north of San Francisco in the ...
FBI Ac (alternating cycles) Academy in Quantico -
Proudly called, “West Point for Law Enforcement,' the FBI Academy occupies 547 acres on a Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia, just 40 miles from ..
“West Point for Law Enforcement,'
“West Point for Law Enforcement,'
“West Point for Law(ns) Enforcement and real estate bedroom housing schemes
base in Quantico, Virginia,
base in Quantico, Virginia,
base in Quan + ti + co --> Quantum time code agents
Rating: 7.8/10 - 41,083 votes
A detective from the year 2077 finds herself trapped in present day ... her he was in the control room when the time travel device went off only he was sent back .....
his biochemistry brain molecule THOUGHT subroutines are sent back in time
Altitude ... EARTH sin wave elevation ......
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the highest plateau in the world, with an average elevation of around 4,500 meters. The region is hence known as “the roof of the world'. See below for altitudes of major Tibet cities/towns and attractions.
The roots of the conflict lay in the disputed border between Tibetan government territory and the territory of the Republic of China,
with the Tibetan government in principle claiming areas inhabited by
Tibetans in neighboring Chinese provinces (Qinghai, Sichuan) which were
in fact ruled by Chinese warlords loosely ...
The Sino-Tibetan War is a war that began in 1930 when the Tibetan army under the 13th Dalai Lama invaded Xikang and Yushu in Qinghai in a dispute over monasteries. Ma clique warlord Ma Bufang secretly sent a telegram to Sichuan warlord Liu Wenhui and the leader of the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek, suggesting a joint attack on the Tibetan forces. Their armies rapidly overwhelmed and defeated the Tibetan army.
--> TibeT --> Ti + be + t --> Time base time --> implies tt --> time exponent 2 --> information pointer to Times Square, Manhattan ..... 42nd Street and the surface area of time giving humanoid equation 42 --> time origination point year 1942 and the face of TIME ..... Stephen Hawking , DAMTP, and Cambridge university who arrogantly refuse to acknowledge these aspects of EARTHLY existence and its SYMBOL labels in year 2015.
Watertown, Wisconsin --> sine wave LU = Logical Unit with
humanoid interceptors that pick up feeble sin wave signals
Sine wave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
sinusoidal wave | physics | Britannica.com
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Travelling Sine Wave: from Physclips
University of New South Wales
Doing TIME for sine wave frequency BIO-PHYSICS social science errors.
Frequency ..... subset code
.......quen cy
........quen + time cycle n ... gives secret word
...............quen + ti + n
San Quentin State Prison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
located north of San Francisco in the ...
FBI Ac (alternating cycles) Academy in Quantico -
How to Become an FBI Agent
“West Point for Law Enforcement,'
“West Point for Law Enforcement,'
“West Point for Law(ns) Enforcement and real estate bedroom housing schemes
base in Quantico, Virginia,
base in Quantico, Virginia,
base in Quan + ti + co --> Quantum time code agents
Continuum (TV Series 2012– ) - IMDb
Internet Movie Database
his biochemistry brain molecule THOUGHT subroutines are sent back in time
Altitude ... EARTH sin wave elevation ......
of Tibet's Major Cities/towns and Attractions
www.chinahighlights.com › China Guide › Tibet
Sino-Tibetan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Sino-Tibetan War is a war that began in 1930 when the Tibetan army under the 13th Dalai Lama invaded Xikang and Yushu in Qinghai in a dispute over monasteries. Ma clique warlord Ma Bufang secretly sent a telegram to Sichuan warlord Liu Wenhui and the leader of the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek, suggesting a joint attack on the Tibetan forces. Their armies rapidly overwhelmed and defeated the Tibetan army.
The roots of the conflict lay in the disputed border between Tibetan government territory and the territory of the Republic of China, with the Tibetan government in principle claiming areas inhabited by Tibetans in neighboring Chinese provinces (Qinghai, Sichuan) which were in fact ruled by Chinese warlords loosely aligned with the Republic; in the tense relationship between the 13th Dalai Lama and the 9th Panchen Lama
--> TibeT --> Ti + be + t --> Time base time --> implies tt --> time exponent 2 --> information pointer to Times Square, Manhattan ..... 42nd Street and the surface area of time giving humanoid equation 42 --> time origination point year 1942 and the face of TIME ..... Stephen Hawking , DAMTP, and Cambridge university who arrogantly refuse to acknowledge these aspects of EARTHLY existence and its SYMBOL labels in year 2015.
--> TiBET --> Ti + BET --> Time (probability route to) Bethesda Lutheran Home in
Watertown, Wisconsin --> sine wave LU = Logical Unit with
humanoid interceptors that pick up feeble sin wave signals
Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society
1903. 07 14 A home for feeble-minded and epileptic children will be built in Watertown during the ensuing year under the auspices of a corporation formed at ...
The Sino-Russian Border Conflict, 1969: U.S. Reactions and ...
Jun 12, 2001 - On 2 March 1969, the Sino-Soviet border dispute took an exceptionally violent turn when Chinese forces fired on Soviet border troops patrolling ...
Ruthenium - Element information, properties and uses ...
Royal Society of Chemistry
The quantum sin wave NODE Ruthenium ss interface atomic number BORDER conflicts in the periodic atomic table of elements
Sino-Indian border dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1962 Sino-Indian War was fought
1962 Sino-Indian War was fought
1962 Sino-Indian War was fought over the sine wave city of electricity
....62 sin o --. relative to address 0
Copper isotope atomic mass 63 ..relative to number 1.
In computer address ..... the dsiplacement from number 0.
Thus 1 thru 63 .... is equivalent to
..........0 thru 62 ...... hence, the EARTH generated database of the message EVENT of year 1962 with the sine waves representatives of China ....named Sino.
Past, Present and Future of Sino-Kazakhstan Relations
China Internet Information Center
Sino-Kazakhstan Relations
Sine wave node KHZ radio ... and Standard model Relations
in FermiLAB husband brain bio-radio controlled
............................bandwidth controls of percpetions
in FermiLAB husband brain bio-radio controlled
............................bandwidth controls of percpetions
Below, the Chicago Chinatown physics ...
2009 Fort Ho ..... particle Ho shown above ..... shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Higgs boson BATTLE at
Fort Hood (shooting) and BOSTON (bombing)
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sino-French War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Above the
Sino-French code--> Sin node Fre + nc --> Sine wave node frequency numerical control
Siam --> si + am--> sin wave amplitude
Thus we see ..in year 2015 .... the earth DEMOS of the WORLD INTELLECT SYSTEM ...concepts of others.
Schopenhauer - World as Will and Idea -
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche: The Earth has a skin and that ...
The Earth has a skin and that skin has diseases, one of those diseases is man.
The Earth has a skin
The Earth has a skin
The Earth has a skin
The Earth has a skin .. dermatology of earth geography surface and human activities
Dermatology A to Z - American Academy of Dermatology
American Academy of Dermatology
Dermatology A to Z - American Ac (alternating cycles) Academy
Dermatology and
Der applications .......
murDER _ or
BorDER disputes of alternating cycles
Dermatology A to Z - American Academy of Dermatology
Skin Cancer Types Pictures - About.com
Search for Skin Cancer Types Pictures. Find Expert Advice on About.com.
Above..... two possible factors in skin cancer
Skin Cancer for Dummies - See Skin Cancer Photos
.....................................Mies van der Rohe
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (born Maria Ludwig Michael Mies; March 27, 1886 – August 17, 1969) was a German-American architect.[1] He is commonly referred to and was addressed as Mies, his surname. .... the metal and glass skins of his buildings
Dermatology A to Z - American Academy of Dermatology
Dermatology RX Z - American atomic skin electronic circuits
Review of R, X, and Z : Reactance And Impedance -- R, L ...
www.allaboutcircuits.com › ... › Reactance And Impedance -- R, L, And C
we begin to explore the effects of resistors, inductors, and capacitors
connected together in the same AC circuits, let's briefly review some
basic terms and ...
Impedance - HyperPhysics
Georgia State University
9. Impedance and Phase Angle - Interactive Mathematics
Thus we have clues about existence in year 2015 .. versus the incomplete explanations of newspapers and Pentagon, CIA, and government agencies.
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