N-paper N45A by Herb Zinser translates newspaper articles and other news events .
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
Key proper noun name --> George Will --> code name letters --
George --> Isaac Asimov equation -->
Geo + rg + e --> Geography region earth
code word--> Will --> information pointer to > Symbol Machine BOOK -->
The World as Will and Representation - Wikipedia
The World as Will and Representation (WWR; German: Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, WWV) is the central work of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 1: Arthur Schopenhauer ...
From the Back Cover. Arthur Schopenhauer's Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung is one of the most important philosophical works of the nineteenth century, the basic statement of one important stream of post-Kantian thought. ... Start reading The World as Will and Representation, Vol. 1 on your Kindle in under a minute.The World as Will and Idea (Everyman's Library): Arthur ... - Amazon.com
The World As Will And Idea and over one million other books are available for Amazon Kindle.[PDF]The World As Will And Idea (Vol. 1 of 3) - Project Gutenberg
by A Schopenhauer - Cited by 78 - Related articles
The Project Gutenberg EBook of The World As Will And Idea. (Vol. 1 of 3) by Arthur Schopenhauer. This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost.The World As Will And Idea
The World/ Earth/ Mother Nature As Will, Determination, Effort
And Idea, Analysis, Experiments
The World As Will And Idea
The World As Will And Idea ,,....
the EXTERNAL output ..... written optical word messages of
the INTERNAL blood arteries software language of
the Germanic languages of NORTHERN EUROPE .......
via agent identifier ..........
Arthur Sch --> Art + Hur + Sch
---> Arteries Hurry (urgent) School (message)
Arthur Sch --> blood arteries ..... atomic bio-physics SOFTWARE
languages of Natures's systems from
the RH factor region (Rhine river and its human factories)
In addition to George F Will and his number 43 codes
LINK to the blood arteries of Arteries school opens
--> Art Sch open --> Arthur Schopenhauer and the EARTH/world and its living languages and orders
LINK to the blood arteries of Arteries school opens
--> Art Sch open --> Arthur Schopenhauer and the EARTH/world and its living languages and orders
..in addition, this blog post covers this partial list of topics
* Astronomy message SS433
* Max Planck time code 43
* The Planck TIME battle in Milwaukee I-43
* Bulletin of Atomic Scientists explain the usage of gun bullets and blood information flow
* 1155 East 60th Street and the University of Chicago explain
the parallel existences code range 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 of code East
--> E + astronomy --> Earth (lab site) astronomy
the parallel existences code range 11, 22, 33, 44, 55 of code East
--> E + astronomy --> Earth (lab site) astronomy
* Feynman number 137
* 137 bullets ..... atomic bulletin form Cleveland
* sex Language / ling codes of linguistics
* Oxygen molecule
* bio-computer agent code Melissa explains IBM bio-IMS SSA
* integrated heath care includes math / calculus ..integration by parts and Central high School integration in year 1957
* hospital coordination LINKS to the EARTH coordinates of latitude and longitude ..... and the Gavin LONG bio-longitude battle in Baton Rouge
* Milwaukee chromosome 23 address space .......
double-helix address 2323 N Lake ...and its
...........................................NL --> new line printer commands
double-helix address 2323 N Lake ...and its
...........................................NL --> new line printer commands
* DuPage county page problems
* the Louis de Broglie battles in the St.Louis region and Liege , Belgium
* Darren Wilson explains the citizen / federal Wilson HALL physics prison
* bio-math mantissa and SSA = Segment Search Arguments used to
search EARTH grave sites/ earth wormholes with atomic DATABASE coffins ,,,
search EARTH grave sites/ earth wormholes with atomic DATABASE coffins ,,,
such as the Paul Dirac ....... Rose-Einstein communications bridge at Rose .....
Roselawn Cemetery
* James Clerk Maxwell explains EM field ..... SYMBOL and CONCEPT cities and the roles of the city clerk
* Planck TIME HIGHWAY I-43 in Wisconsin / Milwaukee and the TIME highway exits and entrances per DR.WHO ..... Time Lord
* Time of day Clock
* Geography states and States of Mind ...... Wait sate codes per IBM
* DD statement
* Base 16 hexadecimal
* Celestial Railroad book ... year 1843
* Hawking and Thorne
* Louis Leakey
* Sarajevo year 1914 assassination
* Pink Floyd musics The Machine
* Bosnia bombing causes Boston bombing on April 15, 2013
* Jefferson County, Wisconsin
* the Milky Way barred spiral galaxy agent in Milwaukee
* Cheese / dairy products and human PROTEIN MACHINES
* Cheese agent ....... Chee Guevara
* Ham and cheese sandwich ... the sandwich military strategy of CONTROL of
Pentagon human digestive systems and their thoughts ......
explained by ham agent General Carter Ham
Pentagon human digestive systems and their thoughts ......
explained by ham agent General Carter Ham
* United States base 16 AF --> AFrican Command and
Paul Dirac explains the Base 16 AF --> AF.terlife
Paul Dirac explains the Base 16 AF --> AF.terlife
* Paul Dirac coffin and the EARTH underground dimension of existential physics
* Jim Chee and Tony Hillerman ..... with Jim's Cheese of Water100 Wisconsin
* Roe VS Wade
* assembler language
* Lake Placid New York and social chemistry ... acids /bases
* stomach and hydrochloric acid (HCL)
* Hillary Clinton
* address space and female cotton dress codes
* Lake Placid ...acids and new York sirloin steak codes
* acids and bases WAR ..... Lake Placid VS Fort Hood base of bases
* Warren Buffets explains acids and bases and buffer of Omaha, Nebraska
* General Ham code --> Hydrogen atomic mass
* military chemistry ..... Lewis structures at Fort Lewis
* Labor unions and the labor/ pregnancy racket
* S,P electron shells and sports
* potassium 19 and book 1919
* potassium 19 and book 1919
* Grand Unified Theory battle at Grand 16 theater
* Planck number 43 and age 43 Junior Seau and Samuel DuBose
* Duality Laws
* golf ... sand hook AND the Sandy Hook shooting
* velocity of light 186,000
* EAR people
* light equation 180,000 + religion 6,000 years equation
* Program Status Word
* Salvador Dali year 1943
* brain electron computer
* Nitroegn
* CO2 mass 44 ..... carbon dioxide cycle
* Susan Decker age 44 explains WAR and Warren Buffet CO2 ....
military molecules in COKE beverage ..pressure CO2
* Susan Decker age 44 explains WAR and Warren Buffet CO2 ....
military molecules in COKE beverage ..pressure CO2
* Boyle's law of pressure and the Boylston Street pressure bombs
* Carmen Ortiz equation and the Boston Pops Orchestra
* Rope theory and string theory
* EBIT accounting versions
* Pabst Farms and EARTH accounting systems
* Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations and signal systems
* Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations and signal systems
* Schrodinger and Dirac 1933 Nobel prize and its extension DEMO
* Paul Dirac grave hole ...... earth wormholes that contain DATA worms with segments .....
thus the IBM earth-IMS usage of SSA ....... SEGMENTs to gather wormhole DATABASE segments that are continued in coffin atomic human body .. DATABASES
thus the IBM earth-IMS usage of SSA ....... SEGMENTs to gather wormhole DATABASE segments that are continued in coffin atomic human body .. DATABASES
* Erwin Schrodinger cat/box explains the Paul Dirac phase change
* Symbol Machine clues about the Milwaukee and the Darwin name selection......
Karen Simek ground . murder site
Karen Simek ground . murder site
.................ekg ...the living EARTH cell and the battle
for the geography /geology HEART ...... Heartland of the United States
for the geography /geology HEART ...... Heartland of the United States
* Iron-54 isotope mass explains the 5:40 AM death of Karen Simek
* Iron-54 and the 28 neutrons WAR with defective adult females
and their 28 day menstruation cycle ...... blood information flow reports
and their 28 day menstruation cycle ...... blood information flow reports
* Oconomowoc and gravity and iron and the murder of Karen Simek
* the war for control of kindergarden VERSION TEN in Watertown
* David Eicher explains Astronomy wars on the EARTH surface
* the Margaret Mead telescope and the Hubbleton telescope that sees bull-stories
* Wronskian differential equation and wrought iron equations
* Nietzsche
* biological clock
* UMpqua college LOGIC shooting
* the Darwin occyte selection of Oklahoma City for the Blastocyst bomb blast
* Code name ..... Roscoe Nance and Scott Boeck
* TSO and the 14th Dalai Lama neuroscience problems of brain radio
* Gilbert and the Sarasota High school circus
* Sing Sing brain prison
* brain bio-radio wars and the death of EM life Emily Hilscher
* the RF radio choke circuit murder of Mr. CHO
* the Radio Frequency murder of Ross Truett Ashley
* code name ...Varjian and math variables and ZINJAN project
* blood iron hemoglobin
* Wintrobe's Clinical hematology secret codes
* penis blood pulses and the Orlando Florida Pulse nightclub blood information flow
* iron and Janesville Wisconsin
* Charles Wilson explains the Black Forest, Planck number 43, Charles Darwin
and the Wilson Hall physics prison near Chicago
* Fermilab and its human protein machine at Wilson Hall ...... known as Wilson Meats
* Manhattan project 1943 pilot project ..... and the Sept 11, 2001 pilot project
* The FBI complex math department with ZBIGNIEW
* the tunnel from Spain to Morocco
* the OLD Lady and the SHOE provides data for string theorist on puppet strings
and strings of atomic social science bull-shit
* Zapatero ......... prime minister of Spain
* ZAP instruction
* Frank ZAP Zappa music of the BAL city of Baltimore
* year 1933 and later ........ 19 levels of the IBM 3330 disk storage device
* Schrodinger cat/box and the SYS1.Catalog ...... computer coffin box
* kitchen dinner plates(DP) and data processing
* floral patterns on dinner plates
* Paul Dirac grave hole / earth wormhole at Roselawn Tallahassee
* Nikola Tesla signaling systems
* Paul Dirac and the Schrodinger ..... DEAD and ALIVE
* Tale of Two Cities
* DuPont in Delaware
* Hayakawa and false language maps
* Gavin Long and 3 cops killed in Baton Rouge
* Copper 29 electrons and the city of electricity
* 29 escape from Mexico prison in electron flow DEMO
* Earth language
* gravity highway ROUTE 66
* IBM CICS AIDS disease
* Botany leaf
* Junior Seau age 43 murder/ cover-up
* Time series analysis
* QueBEC and LuBEC Maine .. the BEC .. Bose-Einstein Condensate system
* Route 29 and the copper 29 electrical utility murders
* amino acid battle at Amish school
* Sigmund Freud
* the Sam Hengel murder/ cover-up
* messenger RNA
Keywords and concepts MAP ......
---> Atomic earth geography ..... atomic surface region with
EARTH LAB identifier words ....
,,,, atoMic ...
..........Michigan Street area
EARTH LAB identifier words ....
,,,, atoMic ...
..........Michigan Street area
Plankinton--> subset code letter --> Plank --> Pointer to Planck
bullet exited --> implies--> data bullet --> data bulletin EXITed (from one of
the 11 dimensions of M-string theory of existential physics) ....
message for the LAZY atomic social sciences of the University of Chicago
the 11 dimensions of M-string theory of existential physics) ....
message for the LAZY atomic social sciences of the University of Chicago
...........Mother EARTH :
and visit our
Staff page to contact our team.
Office Address:
1155 East 60th Street,
Chicago, IL 60637 that has
.......................... 37 degrees Celsius life forms with
........................ 137 electromagnetic coupling constant
Why 137? | Secrets in Plain Sight
Six Cleveland cops who shot 137 bullets and killed unarmed couple ...
Jan 27, 2016 - Six Cleveland police officers who shot 137 bullets and killed two unarmed black people after a high-speed chase have been fired, officials ...
Cleveland fires six police officers who shot 137 bullets at unarmed ...
www.independent.co.uk › News › World › Americas
Jan 26, 2016 - Six Cleveland police offers who were involved in one of the most notorious cases of police violence in the country have been fired but are yet to ...
Cleveland car chase ends with two dead, 137 shots fired and six ...
Office Telephone in Chicago
if you want to brag or talk bull-shit: 773.702.6308
IMS V13 - Application programming -
Segment search arguments (SSAs) - IBM
Segment Search Arguments(SSA) - Mainframes 360
Latitude and Longitude Finder on Map Get Coordinates
Lat long is a geographic tool which helps you to get latitude and longitude of a ... the surface of earth can be specified by the latitude and longitude coordinates.
Geographic coordinate system - Wikipedia
Jump to Earth-centered, earth-fixed - Lines joining points of the same latitude trace circles on the surface of Earth called parallels, as they are parallel to the equator and to each other. The north pole is 90° N; the south pole is 90° S. The 0° parallel of latitude is designated the equator, the fundamental plane of all geographic coordinate systems.
Find & use location coordinates for human body / brain thoughts .....
bio-math bio-physics
- Google Ear / mouth people ,,,, Earth Help - Google Support
https://support.google.com › Google Earth Help › Explore the Earth
Find the longitude and latitude of any location on the globe. Longitudes and latitudes are available on Google Earth for computers. Find coordinates for a ...
Above, address code--> 2323 N Lake --> the living EARTH cell and its
Earth geography surface ...... double-helix message site -->
2323 --> 23 and 23 --> chromosome pair code
code --> Dupage --> Double page --> Computer Earth 2 computer pages
per Louis de BROGLIE DUALITY ..... dual (2) pages
Louis de Broglie - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_de_BroglieLouis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 7e duc de Broglie was a French physicist who made groundbreaking contributions to quantum theory. In his 1924 PhD thesis he ...
Duality of the laws of nature
Far from claiming to make "the contradiction disappear" which Max Born thought could be achieved with a statistical approach, de Broglie extended wave–particle duality to all particles (and to crystals which revealed the effects of diffraction) and extended the principle of duality to the laws of nature.His last work made a single system of laws from the two large systems of thermodynamics and of mechanics:
When Boltzmann and his continuators developed their statistical interpretation of Thermodynamics, one could have considered Thermodynamics to be a complicated branch of Dynamic
Louis de Broglie
Louis de Broglie
Louis de Broglie wars / battles
Louis de Broglie
Louis de ........lie
Louis de Broglie
Louis .....Bro --> St. Louis area ... BROWN
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia
Jump to Witness accounts consistent with Wilson's testimony - In response, Witness 102 stated that Wilson shot Brown because Brown came back ...
Date: August 9, 2014
Non-fatal injuries: Darren Wilson (during strug...
Location: Ferguson, ..
St.Louis Missouri, U.S.A
Charges: None filed
Database code ----> August 9, 2014
Database code ----> Aug ....9 2 ......
AUG ...... start codon war signal 92
..... the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .....
uranium 92 protons and 143 neutrons
..... atomic social science wars
Symbol Machine linkage code 235 ---> 2 and 35
--> atomic biology .....
2 (Double Helix) and DNA molecular direction 35
Database code ----> Darren Wilson --> information pointer to the
citizen / Federal government
...... the intellectual THOUGHT prison at Wilson Hall / FermiLAB ..... by Chicago
Date: August 9, 2014
Non-fatal injuries: Darren Wilson (during strug...
Location: Ferguson, ..
St.Louis Missouri, U.S.A
St.Louis Missouri, U.S.A
Charges: None filed
Database code ----> August 9, 2014
Database code ----> Aug ....9 2 ......
AUG ...... start codon war signal 92
..... the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .....
uranium 92 protons and 143 neutrons
..... atomic social science wars
uranium 92 protons and 143 neutrons
..... atomic social science wars
Symbol Machine linkage code 235 ---> 2 and 35
--> atomic biology .....
2 (Double Helix) and DNA molecular direction 35
--> atomic biology .....
2 (Double Helix) and DNA molecular direction 35
Database code ----> Darren Wilson --> information pointer to the
citizen / Federal government
...... the intellectual THOUGHT prison at Wilson Hall / FermiLAB ..... by Chicago
citizen / Federal government
...... the intellectual THOUGHT prison at Wilson Hall / FermiLAB ..... by Chicago
Paul Dirac and his bio-math ..... mantissa label --- man with a COMPUTER EARTH ims database ssa
- Wikipedia
In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida,
and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery.
Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
IMS V13 - Applications programming -
Segment search arguments (SSAs) used to find
human mantissa life forms ... logarithms
of biology ........
......... log y
code word--> clerk-->
Q&A: Madison's city clerk is going all-out to educate voters about the
traveling CITY of LIGHT ...... c = 186,000 velo.CITY ....... and her
role as a city clerk foJAMES CLERK MASXWELL Em field life forms led r | Politics ...
She's the city clerk.
If you think that means all she does is boring ...
Interstate 43 ,,.... the Max Planck Time Highway - Wikipedia
I-43 TIME Highway and its time entrances and exits .............
as explained by Dr.WHO ...... Time Lord
as explained by Dr.WHO ...... Time Lord
Interstate-Guide: DR.WHO and the Planck TIME HIGHWAY ...
Interstate 43
Wait state codes - IBM
Previous topic | Next topic | Contents | Contact z/OS | Library | PDF Wait state codes z/OS MVS System Codes SA38-0665-00 ...
Wait state codes - IBM
Wait state codes. 002 · 003 · 004 · 005 · 006 · 007 · 009 · 00A · 00B · 00D · 00E · 00F · 013 · 014 · 017 · 019 · 01B · 01C · 020 · 022 · 023 · 025 · 02E · 02F · 030
Wait state codes in z/Architecture mode - IBM
The wait state code appears in the program status word (PSW) when the operating system enters a wait state. A valid PSW for a coded wait state in .
Wait state codes - Computer Earth
2006 Falk / Rexnord Corporation explosion - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Falk_Corporation_explosionThe Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley ...
The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006. Three people were killed and forty-seven others injured. Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks.[1] An investigation of the cause of the disaster uncovered leaks in a pipe running below the building, which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex.
The Falk Corporation manufactures large industrial gears, couplings, chains, bearings and other industrial components and equipment.[2] Located in the Menomonee River Valley in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, it is owned by Rexnord. The complex is more than 61 acres (250,000 m2), and has 1,500,000 square feet (140,000 m2) of buildings.[1] 600 people were inside the complex at the time of the explosion.[1] The building that exploded was located in one corner of the complex. The building that housed the propane tanks was two separate structures joined together. One of the buildings was used as a warehouse for storing components used in the manufacturing process, and was called the Annex. The other building, called the 2-2 building, was a maintenance facility.[1] The two buildings between them housed six propane tanks[3] and covered 50,000 square feet (5,000 m2).[4]
1-43 LINK to Time Highway number 143 and the
Jul 7, 2014 - Famed paleoanthropologist Louis Leakey made groundbreaking ... AKA: Louis S.B. Leakey; Full Name: Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey.
is Leak key --> information systems leak ..Key --> see
to the West Road (Hawking) and
On June 28th 1914, the heir to the Austrian Empire, Franz Ferdinand, was visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Bosnia was in the very south-east corner of the ...
Jul 11, 2015 - When Clinton Lied, Yugoslavia Died ... Serbs were denounced
in the western media for
massacres in
Sarajevo in 1992, 1994, and 1995 that ..
The Bosnian War was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. ..
Aug 20, 1995 - American officials, who described the deaths as accidental, said the diplomats were Robert C. Frasure, 53, President Clinton's special envoy to ...
1-43 LINK to Time Highway number 143 and the
Celestial Railroad of year 1700 + 143 years
- Wikipedia
Interstate 43 (I-43) is a 191.55-mile-long (308.27 km) Interstate Highway located entirely within ... I-43 came about as a result of toll road proposals that included a Milwaukee to Superior corridor that included Hurley, Wausau and Green Bay.
The Celestial Railroad - Nathaniel Hawthorne - Google Books
https://books.google.com › Fiction › Short Stories (single author)
Jul 7, 2015 - The Celestial Railroad was
written in the year 1843 by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nathaniel ...
The Celestial Railroad - Nathaniel Hawthorne - update
Louis Leakey - Wikipedia
Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey (7 August 1903 – 1 October 1972), also known as L. S. B. Leakey, was a Kenyan paleoanthropologist and archaeologist whose ...
The Leakey Foundation | The Leakey Family
Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey. Louis Leakey in Kenya in 1955. Louis Leakey (b. 1903, d. 1972) was a tireless promoter of the study of human origins. With his ...
The notion of an African genesis for humankind is widely accepted today, but it was not always so. When Louis Leakey began to search for human fossils in East ...
Louis Leakey - Academic, Anthropologist, Archaeologist - Biography ...
Louis Leakey
is Leak key --> information systems leak ..Key --> see
--> Key West and Longboat Key, Sarasota Florida information pointers
to the West Road (Hawking) and
Sara --> S + ara --> System area -->
Assassination at Sarajevo - History Learning Site
Sarajevo, June 28, 1914 ...... system area WAR ZONE
Sarajevo ........ system area WAR ZONE
When Clinton Lied, Yugoslavia Died -
New Progressive Alliance of schemes and biased reports
in the western media for
massacres in
Sarajevo in 1992, 1994, and 1995 that ..
Bosnian War - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosnian_WarThe Bosnian War was an international armed conflict that took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. ..
www.nytimes.com/1995/08/20/world/3-us-diplomats-killed-in-bosnia.htmlAug 20, 1995 - American officials, who described the deaths as accidental, said the diplomats were Robert C. Frasure, 53, President Clinton's special envoy to ...
3 U.S. DIPLOMATS KILLED IN BOSNIA / Boston parallel -
Three people killed, hundreds injured in Bosnia ORDERED revenge ....
the Boston Marathon bombing ...
www.history.com/.../three-people-killed-hundreds-injured-in-boston-marathon-bombi...On this day in 2013, two bombs go off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three spectators and wounding more than 260 other people in ...
– Welcome to the Machine
code --> sin --> wisconSin mathematical-physics functions
Milky Way Galaxy - Wikipedia
The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our Solar System. The descriptive " milky" is derived from the appearance from Earth of the galaxy – a band of light ...
Milky Way Galaxy: Facts About Our Galactic Home - Space.com
https://www.space.com › Science & Astronomy
Milky Way Galaxy: Facts About
Mil Wa Gal : Facts About
--> Mil.Wa.u.kee left gal .... legal systems
The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy
The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy
The Mil.....Wa is barre
The Mil.Wa wis barrett ... Mayor for the
astrophysics galactic
LOCAL REGION (Planet EARTH) city of
LOCAL REGION (Planet EARTH) city of
Cheese - Wikipedia
Cheese is a food derived from milk that is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein. It comprises proteins ...
Types of Cheese | Directory | Eat Wisconsin Cheese | Eat Wisconsin ...
Cheese.com - World's Greatest Cheese Resource
Types of Cheese | Directory
Gruyère cheese - Wikipedia
Che Guevara - Wikipedia
Ernesto "Che" Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author , guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. A major figure of the Cuban ...
Che Guevara was a prominent communist figure in the Cuban Revolution
Che Guevara was a prominent communist figure in the Cuban Revolution
Che Guevara was a prominent communist figure in the Cuban Sandwich ......
Revolution of the human digestive system and its software
Revolution of the human digestive system and its software
General Carter Ham explains the
Cuban ham & Cheese sandwich ..........
General Carter Ham
to head Army ...... ARM + my ...... arm/ elbow / hand .......
myoglobin THOUGHT protein ...... protein SOCIAL engineering force structure commission ...
United States Africa Command - Wikipedia
the base 16 hex dimension of the Hex'AF' = 175 ...
..... the Afterlife dimension .....
one of the 11 dimensions of M-string theory .......
existential physics
Paul Dirac and his atomic DATABASE coffin LINK
to the AF = Afterlife region VIA
the earth undetrgound wormholes /
Nature's geology signaling systems ..... atomic data pipelines
- Wikipedia
Tony Hillerman's Jim Chee and Joe Leaphorn Mysteries
If Tony Hillerman didn't invent the American Indian detective novel, he certainly ... The cases of Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee have given thousands of readers an .... this book on the distinctions between Hopi and Navajo, and he uses Chee's ...
The Jim Chee Mysteries: Three Classic Hillerman Mysteries Featuring ...
Jim Chee - Wikipedia
First appearance: People of Darkness
Nationality: Native-American
Last appearance: The Shape Shifter
Portrayed by: Lou Diamond Phillips; Adam Beach
Jim Chee - Wikipedia
First appearance: People of Darkness
Nationality: Native-American
Last appearance: The Shape Shifter
Portrayed by: Lou Diamond Phillips; Adam Beach
Jim Chee - Wikipedia
Jim's Cheese
Address: 410 Portland Rd, Waterloo, WI 53594
and BAL police successors - Wikipedia
code word--> Monroe --> subset letters--> ROE
Lake Placid, New York - Wikipedia
Lake Placid, New York
The 10 Best Lake Placid Restaurants 2017 - TripAdvisor
Reserve a table for the best dining in Lake Placid, New York on TripAdvisor: See 19682 reviews of 100 Lake Placid restaurants and search by cuisine, price, ...
Restaurants | Night Life | Lake Placid, Adirondacks
Tail O'The Pup. Location: 1152 Route 86, Ray Brook, New York. Big Mountain Deli & Creperie. Location: 2475 Main Street, Lake Placid, New York. The Bar at Lake House. Location: 1 Mirror Lake Drive, Lake Placid, New York. The Breakfast Club Etc. Taverna. Salt of the Earth Bistro. Lake Placid Club Boat House. Simply ...
Fine Dining | Lake Placid, Adirondacks
Fine Dining | Lake Placid
The gastric chief cells of the stomach secrete enzymes for protein breakdown (inactive pepsinogen, and in infancy rennin).
Hydrochloric (HCL) acid activates pepsinogen into the enzyme pepsin, which then helps digestion by breaking the bonds linking amino acids, a process known as proteolysis.
Hydrochloric (HCL) acid activates pepsinogen into the enzyme pepsin, which then helps digestion by breaking the bonds linking amino acids, a process known as proteolysis.
Gastric acid - Wikipedia
Hydrochloric (HCL) acid activates
Hydrochloric (HCL) acid activates
Hydrochloric (HCL) acid activates molecule political science -->
Darwin atomic/molecular proper noun
........ WORD selection of
an HCL representative with EARTH LAB specimen identifier HCl -->
........ WORD selection of
an HCL representative with EARTH LAB specimen identifier HCl -->
Hillary Clinton
Do You Have Enough HCL (Stomach Acid representation)? – Branch Basics
Was Hillary Clinton a Good Secretary of State? - POLITICO Magazine
Was Hillary Clinton a Good Secretary of State?
Was H...Cl molecule agent a Good Secret of ate /eat ......
the citizen FED / food system government?
Fine Dining | Lake Placid
Fine Dining | La = Load Adress .... key Place acid (Hydrochloric acid)
........... the EARTH hydrochloric acid information system
...... the COMPUTER EARTH address space ......
on the EARTH geography / land surface with
expression OBJECTS and information ENTITIES ..... such as
HCL activity sites ...... restaurants, home kitchen table, fast food sites, etc
and the EARTH LAB humanoid with identifier --> GIRL equation --->
Gastro Intestinal region languages
Nude females
ADD a DRESS to their bio-computer body ......... thus they establish
AD + DRESS --> addressability within Nature's ADDRESS Space
AD + DRESS --> addressability within Nature's ADDRESS Space
Addressability and Memory | leescomputingblog
Lake Placid Restaurants, Restaurants in Lake Placid - Urbanspoon ...
https://www.zomato.com › United States › Lake Placid
Restaurants in Lake Placid , New York
New York Cut Sirloin Steaks - Fire Magic Grills
The 8 ounce steak enables the
human bio-computer 8 bit (byte = bite) data processing ....
.thus LINKING the stomach 8 bits to the LUNG
oxygen atomic number 8 data abilities
human bio-computer 8 bit (byte = bite) data processing ....
.thus LINKING the stomach 8 bits to the LUNG
oxygen atomic number 8 data abilities
Acids and bases | Chemistry | Science | Khan Academy
Acid-base equilibria. ... In this section we will be talking about the basics of acids and bases and how acid-base chemistry is related to chemical equilibrium. We will cover acid and base definitions, pH, acid-base equilibria, acid-base properties of salts, and the pH of salt ...
Acids, bases, pH, and buffers (article) | Khan Academy
Acids and bases
Acids and bases ....... EARTH molecule social science wars ......
represented by ..... and played out VIA
acid --> Lake Placed and HydroChloric acid agent ..... Secretary of State HCL
bases --> Fort (LAB) Hood ..... (EARTH LAB ..Lab Hood) shooting in year 2009
2009 Fort (LAB) Hood shooting - Wikipedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and ...
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and ...
Acids, Pentagon molecular military bases, pH (Pentagon Ham)
and buffers of conflict / War ........
Warren Buffer of
Om = Oxygen Molecules of
Om = Omaha
(article) | Khan Academy
US Army General Ham at a Pentagon briefing - YouTube
▶ 0:30https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5K6IYSIcco
Mar 21, 2011 - Uploaded by FRANCE 24 EnglishUS Army General Carter Ham at a Pentagon briefing. FRANCE 24 English. Loading... Unsubscribe from ...
Hydrogen atomic mass AGENT at P = Pentagon
studies neutral VIEWS of the military
biased civilian nonsense
Lewis structure and the Pentagon - Wikipedia

Lewis Structure military facilities
- Shodor
www.shodor.org/unchem/basic/lewis/Oct 6, 2002 - Lewis diagrams, also called electron-dot diagrams, are used to represent paired and unpaired valence (outer shell) electrons in an atom.
Drawing Lewis Dot ... message Structures
using EARTH surface Chemistry - dummies
Fort Lewis Washington~army Post Aerial View~warehouses~parade Ground~1950s Pc
Racketeering at UW - Investopedia
Only In A Union: Racketeering, Money Laundering, and Theft | Labor ...
Union Corruption 2012: Big Labor's Federal Rap Sheet
Big Labor's Federal Rap Sheet
Labor and Penis .... Fully employed .....
Bedroom Employment Law Concentration | University of Wisconsin ...
United States Department of Labor and Pregnancy
code --> SP atomic I/O ports --> sports and the lies of the
human electrons Shells of Shelby, North Carolina
Kasey Kahne | Potassium atom K and John Dos Passos Book 1919
VS Official Site Of NASCAR and agent KK -
www.nascar.com/drivers/series/monster-energy-nascar-cup-series/kasey-kahne/Kasey Kahne competes full-time for Hendrick Motorsports in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series and makes limited starts in the XFINITY Series for JR ...
Above signals ...translated
43 -->
32--> Oxygen molecule mass
Iron-57 Metal Isotope | AMERICAN ELEMENTS ®
Iron 57 Metal (Iron-57) is a stable (non-radioactive) isotope of Iron. It is both naturally occurring and a produced by fission. Iron 57 Metal is one of over 250 stable Metallic isotopes produced by American Elements for biological and biomedical labeling, as target materials and other applications.
code --> Forty-three (43) years have passed ..... DEATH for -->
Junior Seau, legendary linebacker, killed at 43 |
Pro Football cover-up Talk
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia
a 43-year-old black man, was a rapper, music producer, entrepreneur, and ...
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Accused: Raymond Tensing
bio-software languages within the human body
code words--> Dual doors
--> information pointer to-->
Duality of the laws of nature
Far from claiming to make "the contradiction disappear" which Max Born thought could be achieved with a statistical approach, de Broglie extended wave–particle duality to all particles (and to crystals which revealed the effects of diffraction) and extended the principle of duality to the laws of nature.His last work made a single system of laws from the two large systems of thermodynamics and of mechanics:
When Boltzmann and his continuators developed their statistical interpretation of Thermodynamics, one could have considered Thermodynamics to be a complicated branch of Dynamics. But, with my actual ideas, it's Dynamics that appear to be a simplified branch of Thermodynamics. I think that, of all the ideas that I've introduced in quantum theory in these past years, it's that idea that is, by far, the most important and the most profound.
That idea seems to match the continuous–discontinuous duality, since its dynamics could be the limit of its thermodynamics when transitions to continuous limits are postulated. It is also close to that of Leibniz, who posited the necessity of "architectonic principles" to complete the system of mechanical laws.
Louis de Broglie - Wikipedia
code--> AUG
Par --> Particle physics ......
Hole 1 --> H + ol + e --> Hydrogen orbital electron
How to hit a hook from the sand trap | PGA.com
www.pga.com/specialty-shots-videoNov 26, 2008 - Tri-State PGA Section Teacher of the Year Matt Kluck instructs how the hook shot is used for more roll and comes out of the bunker lower.
How to Hit a Con ,,, controlled Hook
in con .,...... connecticut - Instruction and Playing Tips - The ...
https://thesandtrap.com/forums/topic/27690-how-to-hit-a-controlled-hook/Aug 6, 2009 - 6 posts - 5 authors
I seem to hit the controlled hook better than the controlled fade for some reason. .... This easy to follow video is designed to help you learn the draw golf shot. This shot is so powerful it will fix your slice and let you hit the ball ...
codes --> 180 and 6 --> light velocity -->
180,000 + 6,000 --> 186,000 equation
Q & A: why is speed of light 186,000 mph? | Department of Physics ...
Jun 2, 2011 - Namely, why is the speed of light what it is (186,000 miles per second). Does string theory try to answer this? I've read that physics predicts ...
Is there a reason why light is limited to the 186,000 miles per second ...
Stop thinking of the speed of light as an arbitrary limit to velocity. It's better to think of "the speed of light" not as an actual speed but as a limitation to how you can ...Is the Earth 6,000 Years Old? - The Real Truth
Where does the idea of a 6,000-year-old Earth originate? ... Does God's Word demonstrate the creation event occurring millions of years ago or a mere 6,000 ...
Is the Universe Only 6,000 years old? Young Earth Creationists Say ...
Is the Earth --> Ear thoughts ..... 6,000 Years Old? - The Real Truth
Is the Earth 6,000 Years Old or the
human eye optical perception of EARTH 6,000 year old ;? - The Real Truth
The Earth Is 6000 Years Old
(the photon information CITY of light with veloCITY 6000)
that travels/ surfs upon the EM field .......
carrier wave traveling at 180,000
- Mission To America
code 43 billion --> 43 --->
55 Synonyms for “Courage” - GUTS ...... Daily Writing Tips
Guts: This slang term for the abdominal organs, traditionally thought of as the seat of .... having or showing prowess; valiant, doughty, brave, bold, 'stout'. a.1.a of a ...
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by ...
records Dali's shifting ...
code symbols on LINE 3 ---> line 3 70 Louis
--> 3 70 IS --> IBM system 370 Information Management VIA a human bio-computer ..... human display device.
Number 28 --> pointer to EARTH atmosphere nitrogen molecule mass 28 used by the human LUNG
code name --> Susan Decker age 44 (human expression agent)
--> S Deck 44 --> System ..... Deck/ tiers/ hierarchy ...
for molecule mass 44 .......... the carbon dioxide cycle of Nature
--> S Deck 44 --> System ..... Deck/ tiers/ hierarchy ...
for molecule mass 44 .......... the carbon dioxide cycle of Nature
Oxygen mass 16 + carbon 12 + oxygen 16 = 44 ........
the human LUNG carbon dioxide data carrier (44) molecule WAR of June 6, 1944
D-Day - Jun 06, 1944 -
HISTORY of the CO2 molecule wars of LUNGS
and the LUNG gas chamber parallel
On this day in History, D-Day on Jun 06, 1944. ... will take place, for many it is also synonymous with June 6, 1944, the day the Allied powers crossed the .... One of the top priorities for Union commanders at the start of the war was to sever the ...
Susan Decker , age 44, explains carbon dioxide and the
COKE military brand name carbonated soda water
BEV (Billion electron votes) of Beverage
.... molecule political science
- Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_DeckerSusan (Sue) Lynne Decker (born November 17, 1962) is an American businesswoman. ... Decker is on the boards of directors of Berkshire Hathaway, Intel Corporation, Costco, and LegalZoom. She was on the board of directors of Pixar ...
Susan Decker , age 44, explains carbon dioxide (CO2) pressure .....
and the
BOSTON pressure bombs with Carbon Ortiz ........ 2 bombs
COKE military brand name carbonated soda water
- Wikipedia
Boyle's Law of Pressure DEMO on Boylston Street in
Boston of April 15, 2013
Carmen Ortiz - Wikipedia
Carmen Ortiz and 2 bombs ... Isaac Asimov equation
Carmen Ortiz and 2 bombs ..
Carbon Oxygen 2 -->
C........... O ........ 2 --> CO2 ...... Boston War Zone with the
A Brief History of the Boston Pops | Boston Symphony Orchestra | bso ...
www.bso.org › Home › About Us › History/Archives
In 1900 these performances officially became Pops (short for "Popular") concerts. "The Boston Pops Orchestra performs the best music of the past and present, ...
Boston Pops Orchestra - Wikipedia
DNA-RNA-Protein - Nobelprize.org
codons (43 = 64 combinations).
Europe | World news | The Guardian
Europe - Wikitravel
Europe encompasses an area of 10,180,000km² (3,930,000 square miles), stretching from Asia to the Atlantic, and from Africa to the Arctic. European countries ...
Europe - British Bio-Computer (BBC) News
Earnings Before Interest & Tax (EBIT) - Investopedia
electron orbital ... algebra subset codes
e............... bit --> atomic economics
What is the difference between EBIT and operating income ...
Jun 7, 2017 - There are differences between a company's operating income and its earnings before interest & tax (EBIT), but those differences are often conflated even by major financial publications. The first and most obvious difference is that operating income is considered an official ...
What is the difference between EBIT
What is the difference between Earth BIT ......
GL = General Ledger accounting systems at
Oconomowoc/ Summit/ Pabst farms and the
murder of GL = Gloria Totzke caused by the murder
of Nature's systems .......
Pabst farms Holstein and Horses project
of Nature's systems .......
Pabst farms Holstein and Horses project
History - Pabst Farms -
Experience the BS bedroom housing rackets of the
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture and
its human breeding programs that need the
Pabst BLUE ribbon prize .....
MR superior penis and
Mrs deoxyRIBBON nucleuic acid superior molecules
all elaborate scheme systems approved the STATE university
Back then the 1,500 acre Pabst Farms development was the stomping ground for prize-winning Holstein as well as champion Percheron and Hackney horses.
What is the difference between Earth BIT ...... data bits .... data stream from the grave/ atomic DATABASE coffin of Paul Dirac
Nikola Tesla's Earth quantum key .....
signaling key Machine - The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth returns
an "echo signature" using the same ..
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
....ul .....ac --> alternating cycles /oscillations/ sin waves +
UL = Underwriter Labs and their SECRET geology
underground electron message system
Tallahassee, Florida, and was
buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
The Paul Dirac earth grave hole ..... is also called ......
an earth soil / ground .... vertical wormhole ...... the mathematical-physics MODEL of grave holes and their DATABASE contents
concepts and keyword applications
Box --> the Paul Dirac coffin box (as Nature's computer box) with coffin equation --->
Co + ff + in --> code ...Base 16 Hex'ff" = 255 = High-values in Tall Tallahassee
Cat --> IBM sys1.catalog for the coffin / casket / coffer worlds of the underground continuum / a earth soil / clay PLATFORM of electron orbital Databases
Paul Dirac .. a vertical column standing on 2-legs ....
physical biology ALIVE and atomic electron orbitals ALIVE
Paul Dirac .. a horizontal body in a
BlogEngine DATABASE CONTAINER / coffin .....
BlogEngine DATABASE CONTAINER / coffin .....
physical biology DEAD and atomic electron orbitals are still ALIVE
code above ......
DEAD body ..... Or ---> Orbitals alive with information
DEAD body ..... Or ---> Orbitals alive with information
code--> Flaw--> F law school of the SYMBOL MACHINE
Above, Planck barrier problem of Milwaukee Mayor Barrett at code site .......
Plankinton Avenue near I-43 ....
I-43 equation .... with I = Integer TEN (10) of
earth geography surface Tensor space/time
activity region ...... gives the
Planck TIME .....
10 exponent -43
keyword and concept above
Jun 29, 2017 - MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee police are making a new plea for the public's help identifying and locating the male suspect wanted for the
January 31st homicide of 53-year-old Karen Simek.
Simek was shot and killed during a robbery in the
neighborhood near 12th and National around 5:40 a.m. that day. Simek was walking to the job she had the past 11 years at Garden Fresh Foods....
5:40 a.m. that day
5:40 a.m. that day
5:40 atomic mass 54 code --> Ferrous oxide IRON-54
Menstruation and the blood Iron-54 with 28 neutrons ....
the next period of the periodic atomic table BIOLOGY message cycle .
The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long.
Milwaukee police say the suspect in this case was seen on numerous video surveillance systems.
"After watching a composite view of this video, it enabled us to retrace the suspect's path from 17th and National all the way to 12th and National where the suspect loitered in the area for a while prior to the incident," said Nathan Butz, Milwaukee Police Detective.
Officials say numerous other people were seen in the surveillance video walking past the suspect prior to the incident -- and they are asking anyone who may have been in the area at that time to come forward and speak with police.
The suspect is described as a black man with a light complexion, between the ages of 22 and 27, standing 5'6" to 5'7" tall, weighing 140 to 150 pounds, with a small build. Officials say the suspect had a short Afro and was wearing a black puffy coat, black pants and black boots
A tote bag belonging to Simek is also believed to have been taken by the suspect during the incident. The bag is a green women’s canvas travel or tote bag made by Duluth Trading Company with a front zipper pocket and a zipper closure main compartment. The bag is approximately 13” wide and 15” tall.
Oconomowoc gravity field HIGHWAY 16 and 67 --> 6. 67
Feb 1, 2017 - Milwaukee police on Wednesday identified the woman who was shot to death on the city's south side as Karen A. Simek, 53, of Oconomowoc.
Police make new plea for witnesses, the SYMBOL MACHINE clue ....
keyword and concept above
---> ultimate SIMplicity ......
....................... SIM....city
in fatal shooting of language /concept city WAR .....
agent code--> SIM --> assigned to humanoid --> Karen Simek ...
January 31st homicide of 53-year-old Karen Simek.
Simek was shot and killed during a robbery in the
neighborhood near 12th and National around 5:40 a.m. that day. Simek was walking to the job she had the past 11 years at Garden Fresh Foods....
5:40 a.m. that day
5:40 a.m. that day
5:40 atomic mass 54 code --> Ferrous oxide IRON-54
Menstruation and the blood Iron-54 with 28 neutrons ....
28 day message menstrual cycle of
Fe = Ferrous oxide iron bio-physics devices named
Fe = Female women
- Women's Health.gov
A cycle is counted from the first day of 1 period to the first day ofthe next period of the periodic atomic table BIOLOGY message cycle .
The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long.
Milwaukee police say the suspect in this case was seen on numerous video surveillance systems.
"After watching a composite view of this video, it enabled us to retrace the suspect's path from 17th and National all the way to 12th and National where the suspect loitered in the area for a while prior to the incident," said Nathan Butz, Milwaukee Police Detective.
Officials say numerous other people were seen in the surveillance video walking past the suspect prior to the incident -- and they are asking anyone who may have been in the area at that time to come forward and speak with police.
The suspect is described as a black man with a light complexion, between the ages of 22 and 27, standing 5'6" to 5'7" tall, weighing 140 to 150 pounds, with a small build. Officials say the suspect had a short Afro and was wearing a black puffy coat, black pants and black boots
A tote bag belonging to Simek is also believed to have been taken by the suspect during the incident. The bag is a green women’s canvas travel or tote bag made by Duluth Trading Company with a front zipper pocket and a zipper closure main compartment. The bag is approximately 13” wide and 15” tall.
Oconomowoc gravity field HIGHWAY 16 and 67 --> 6. 67
.......woman gunned down in front of Milwaukee workplace
www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2017/02/01/shooting-victim.../97338058/Feb 1, 2017 - Milwaukee police on Wednesday identified the woman who was shot to death on the city's south side as Karen A. Simek, 53, of Oconomowoc.
.......woman gunned down
.......woman gravity unit .... war casualty ....... the cover-up of the
murder of gravity agent G = Jake Gerard by the Atlas Sales building
on South 16th Street Milwaukee
Milwaukee police appeal for help in solving killing of woman outside ...
www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2017/06/29/milwaukee.../439292001/Jun 29, 2017 - Milwaukee Police are asking for the public's help in the January 2017 armed robbery that lead to 53-year-old Karen Simek's death. ... 31,
of the Oconomowoc gravity field region 67 ...6.67 and its interaction with iron-54 atomic mass,
was arriving to work at Garden-Fresh Foods,
726 S. 12th St., ...
was arriving to work at Garden-Fresh Foods,
726 S. 12th St --> code -->
726 --> 7 ...... 26 --> Z 26 (atomic number alphabet war at Highway 26 Watertown and its problems garden --> Kinder garden
726 --> 7 ...... 26 --> Z 26 (atomic number alphabet war at Highway 26 Watertown and its problems garden --> Kinder garden
--> Kindergarten
...... near Oconomowoc)
...... near Oconomowoc)
David J. Eicher | Astronomy.com - Astronomy Magazine
www.astronomy.com › Authors
Astronomy magazine Editor David J. Eicher highlights the deep-sky objects you can see this winter using a large telescope. Targets include the Little Dumbbell ...
Meet the Staff | Astronomy.com - Astronomy Magazine
www.astronomy.com › Our Magazine › About the Magazine
Astronomy tests Meade's new 10-inch SCT - Astronomy Magazine
www.astronomy.com › Observing › Product Reviews
Feb 24, 2014 - Great optics, high-quality construction, and serious aperture make the LX850 a winner. ... Meade’s LX850 package contains the company’s 10-inch Advanced Coma Free Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope optical tube assembly, a heavy-duty mount, an ultra-stable tripod, the StarLock ...
www.astronomy.com › Observing › Product Reviews
Feb 24, 2014 - Great optics, high-quality construction, and serious aperture make the LX850 a winner. ... Meade’s LX850 package contains the company’s 10-inch Advanced Coma Free Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope optical tube assembly, a heavy-duty mount, an ultra-stable tripod, the StarLock ...
Feb 24, 2014 - Great optics, high-quality construction, and serious aperture make the LX850 a winner. ... Meade’s LX850 package contains the company’s 10-inch Advanced Coma Free Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope optical tube assembly, a heavy-duty mount, an ultra-stable tripod, the StarLock ...
Astronomy tests Meade's
Meade 10-inch LX200GPS-SMT telescope - Astronomy Magazine
www.astronomy.com › Observing › Product Reviews
May 19, 2009 - When optical and mechanical excellence are paramount, Meade's 10-inch LX200GPS-SMT sets a high standard.
www.astronomy.com › Observing › Product Reviews
Planck peels back the layers of the universe - Astronomy Magazine
www.astronomy.com › News
Planck peels back the layers of the universe
Wisconsin .. earth ground /skin .. as a mathematical surface.
............sin component of the above Wronskian ......
Wisconsin ground skin...... algebra subset identifier
W................. ro,,n...skin ---> Wronskin
per Nietzsche model of the earth geography surface ..... land and oceans with land beneath ...... earth dermatology/ skin
Wisconsin ground skin...... algebra subset identifier
W................. ro,,n...skin ---> Wronskin ...
and the enhanced Isaac Asimov Wronskin code .. the .... an enhancement
an = alpha/ numeric and/or
an = atomic number --->
Wron + skin + an --> final version --> Wronskian MODEL of the Wisconsin land surface and its
objects (iron cars and buildings) , entities, humans, and some activities
Wrought iron - Wikipedia
Wrought iron on the EARTH surface skin of atomic numbers ......
Wrought iron skin of atomic numbers (an)
Wrought iron skin of atomic numbers (an).
Wrought iron skin of atomic numbers (an).
Wro........... n skin an --> spells Wronskian existences
and its language message usage
of a Wrought iron .... ink style .... TYPE FONT
Beating the clock --> biological clock - Wikipedia
Circadian clock, a molecular mechanism that results in a circadian rhythm in a living organism. Circadian rhythm, biological process that displays an oscillation about 24 hours, such as the human sleep-wake cycle (the "body clock")
You and Your Biological Clock | Healthy Sleep
Umpqua Community College shooting - Wikipedia
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a ...
Oregon shooting: Gunman dead at Umpqua Community College ...
Oct 2, 2015 - The gunman who opened fire at Oregon's Umpqua Community College targeted Christians specifically, according to the father of a wounded student. ... (CNN ) -- Ten people were killed when a gunman opened fire at Oregon's Umpqua Community College on Thursday, forcing the nation to face ...
code 788 --> pointer to EARTH atmosphere nitrogen percentage 78.8 approximate
code NBA --> N B A --> Nitrogen Base Atmosphere
secret codes --> New Orleans Oklahoma City --> intials --> New OOC -->
new OOC biology ... programming rackets and schemes software
Oklahoma Oklahoma City (OOC) bombing BLAST ordered by
Nature's systems blastocyst molecule
- Facts & Summary of Biology language
VS human family bull-shit approved by the
citizen / Federal FETUS mentality
On April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. ... Oklahoma City Bombing: April 19, 1995. At 9:02 a.m., a rental truck packed with explosives detonated in front of the ...
secret code names--> Roscoe Nance ....... Scott Boeck
Roscoe Nance
Roscoe Nance
Roscoe Nance
TextEditors Wiki: Roscoe - TextEditors.org
Oct 31, 2012 - Roscoe is an "interactive environment" product for IBM z/OS systems, similar in purpose to ISPF. Author: Computer Associates (CA) Homepage: ...
Roscoe is a bit different than other mainframe interactive products. Its interface appears to be a text editor with interfaces to the rest of the OS grafted on. One logs onto Roscoe and is presented with the editor display. The editor is much like Xedit or ISPF/PDF, with a command line and prefix area for entering commands.
Primary (command-line) commands not only manipulate the contents of the edit buffer, but also communicate with the operating system to submit jobs, print reports, transmit and receive messages and files, etc.
Roscoe has a macro language called RPF (Roscoe Programming Facility) which is used like Rexx is in ISPF, to provide editor extensions and display interactive formatted panels.
Primary (command-line) commands not only manipulate the contents of the edit buffer, but also communicate with the operating system to submit jobs, print reports, transmit and receive messages and files, etc.
Roscoe has a macro language called RPF (Roscoe Programming Facility) which is used like Rexx is in ISPF, to provide editor extensions and display interactive formatted panels.
IBM MAINFRAME: How does a human bio-computer ROSCOE NANCE compare with tso/ispf or copper-wire Roscoe
ibmmainframes.com › CA Products
Feb 9, 2007 - 2 posts - 2 authors
CA Products: Hi, I have recently moved to a new project and here most of the work like coding, compiling,job submission is done from roscoe....
IBM MAINFRAME: How does a human bio-computer ROSCOE NANCE compare with human bio-computer --> tso/ispf
--> TSO of Tenzin Gyatso and his university SECRET friends and their BS explanations of brain computer Time-Sharing-Options
and the university usage of the
Alzheimer's human brain computer systems
Alzheimer's human brain computer systems
human bio-radio nonsense schemes of UW neuroscience
code--> Wizard --> WI + Z + ar + RD --> Wisconsin Z area RD
code --> Gilbert Arena --> Gilbert (Sarasota circus) arena
Addison Gilbert Obituary - Orlando, FL | Orlando Sentinel - Legacy.com
GILBERT III, ADDISON STARR, Addison S. Gilbert, 73, died Oct. 6 in Vero Beach, FL. ... of both the Sarasota High School Sailor Circus and the FSU Flying High Circus. He was principal of Sarasota Junior High School and Booker High School ...
Addison Gilbert Obituary - Tallahassee, FL | Tallahassee Democrat
and was the first coach to ... assistant principal and then principal of Sarasota Junior High School
Tallahassee Democrat
............ see em ocr (human OCR - Optical character reader)
Comair Flight 5191 ........
Runway 26 ERROR .... Kentucky ......
incomplete explanations ,
omission of evidence,
over-up of the brain programming schemes to manipulate the cockpit pilot thoughts,.
- Wikipedia
sin wave function ..equivalent terms ......
AC = alternating cycles .... oscillations ...... blood pulsesIBM Basic assembly language and successors BAL --> BALtimore
- Wikipedia
is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.
code words--> Annie E --> An + nie + e
--> atomic number Nietzsche Earth (geography land skin)
concepts--> sing units --> brain music problems
2013 Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) shooting - Wikipedia
LAX gunman who targeted TSA officers
is sentenced to life in prison in the rigged information TRIAL ...
www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-lax-shooting-sentencing-20161107-story.htmlNov 7, 2016 - But he never mentioned the effect of the shooting on the TSA officer he ... that day at Los Angeles airport keeping all of us safe,” said U.S. Atty.
Radio Frequency SECRET subset word code --> Free - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_frequencyRadio frequency (RF) is any of the electromagnetic wave frequencies that lie in the range extending from around3 kHz to300 GHz, which include those frequencies used for communications or radar signals. RF usually refers to electrical rather than mechanical oscillations.
Virginia Tech shooting
Virginia Tech bio-radio wars
The Virginia Tech shooting, also known as the Virginia Tech massacre, occurred on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks (another six people were injured escaping from classroom windows),
Ambler Johnston shootings
Ambler Johnston shootings
Am --> Amplitude Modulation shootings
shared with another student. Hilscher, a 19-year-old from Woodville, Virginia, was fatally wounded.
Perpetrator ... the FCC and Radford (RF) approved ......
radio murder of MR. CHO via
human bio-electron .....
brain CHOKE circuit technology
The shooter was identified as a senior at Virginia Tech, 23-year-old Seung-Hui Cho, a South Korean citizen with U.S. permanent resident status majoring in English.
The FCC and Radford (RF) approved ......
radio murder of Ross Truett Ashley
Ross Truett Ashley: Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Dec 10, 2011 - Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University, Virginia, was described as a typical college student in many ...
part-time business student at Radford
part-time business student at Radford
part-time ....sin......student at Rad ford
part-time ....sin wave ...student RF (Radio frequency school)
as explained by code RFK ........
radio-head K-channel neurotransmitters ...
RFK expression agent --> Robert F. Kennedy
the Justice Department EM field life ---> EM.ployees and
their arrogant bio-radio nonsense
LACK of intellectual depth, basic science concepts, and wisdom
Dec 10, 2011 - Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University, Virginia, was described as a typical college student in many ...
part-time business student at Radford
part-time business student at Radford
part-time ....sin......student at Rad ford
part-time ....sin wave ...student RF (Radio frequency school)
as explained by code RFK ........
radio-head K-channel neurotransmitters ...
RFK expression agent --> Robert F. Kennedy
radio-head K-channel neurotransmitters ...
RFK expression agent --> Robert F. Kennedy
the Justice Department EM field life ---> EM.ployees and
their arrogant bio-radio nonsense
LACK of intellectual depth, basic science concepts, and wisdom
the Justice Department EM field life ---> EM.ployees and
their arrogant bio-radio nonsense
LACK of intellectual depth, basic science concepts, and wisdom
Vir --> Virginia Tech shooting:
Who was Ohm's Law of Resiatance
to brain elctron circuit BS ....
messenger gunman Ross Truett Ashley ...
Dec 12, 2011 - One media report about the Virginia Tec
code name --> Varjian --> subset codes --> Var + jan --> Bavaria Europe variables and ZINJAN project
EARTH language ...
Base variable --> Ba + varia --> Bavaria
Base variable --> Ba + varia --> Bavaria
age 55 --> Iron atomic mass 55.85
and the blood iron BIO-MATH
Mathematics bio-math ... subset code
Wintrobe's Cli --> Clitoris ..... Compare Logical immediate instruction .....
Clinical Hematology: 9781451172683: Medicine & Health ...
Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology: 9781451172683: Medicine & Health ...
With the 13th edition of Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology, this new edition once again bridges the gap between the clinical practice of hematology and the basic ...updated edition includes many important advances in hematology, with notable ... (2 Vol. Set): 9780781736503 ...
Photos: Remembering the PENIS blood pulse WAR victims
Photos: Remembering the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting, 1 ...
Jun 12, 2017 - Hundreds of people dropped off flowers, drawings and cards at a memorial near the gay nightclub Pulse in Orlando, where 49 patrons were ...
Photos: Remembering the PENIS blood pulse WAR victims
of the Pulse nightclub shooting, 1 ...
host.madison.com/...pulse...shooting.../collection_a8be889f-a71d-5610-afb1-184716...Jun 12, 2017 - Hundreds of people dropped off flowers, drawings and cards at a memorial near the gay nightclub Pulse in Orlando, where 49 patrons were ...
Ferrous oxide IRON ships (motor vehicles) and
their atomic 26 English alphabet letters of IRON
at Janesville, Wisconsin ........... atomic proton prose .... Highway 26
Black Forest representatives - Wikipedia
The Black Forest is a large forested mountain range in the state of Baden- Württemberg in southwestern Germany. It is bounded by the Rhine valley to the west ...
The Black Forest Travel Guide | Fodor's Travel
www.fodors.com › Destinations › Europe › Germany
code name --> Charles Wilson --> information pointer --->
Charels Darwin and the evolution of Margaret Mead ...
atomic social science bull-stories at Wilson Hall
Directions to Wilson Hall, Fermilab ......
a human PROTEIN MACHINE division of Wilson MEATS .....
Packing Plant - Wikipedia
Directions. Both the Fermilab box office and Ramsey Auditorium are located in Wilson Hall, the central laboratory building of Fermi National Accelerator ...
Directions to Wilson Hall, Fermilab ........ atomic bio-physics .....
Wilson MEATS
Breeder reactor using atomic bio-physics females - Wikipedia
Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem at FermiLAB and the University of Chicago- Phys.org
https://phys.org › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
FermiLAB .... DEMO site --->
Wilson Foods® Pork Loin Riblets and Pork Rib Tips
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of
the New Man, 1943 by ...
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, first shown at Dali's solo exhibition at M. Knoedler & Co., New York, in 1943, records Dali's shifting ...
Salvador Dali's “Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man ...
Nov 1, 2013 - Salvador Dali's “Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man” (1943) – Men Who Were Not Born from the Mother's Flesh, And Wifredo ...
Salvador Dali Paintings: "Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the ...
salvadordalipaintings.blogspot.com/2008/09/geopoliticus-child-watching-birth-of.html"Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man" by Salvador Dali (1943). In this painting Salvador Dali gives us a large egg-shaped globe of the world ...
the New Man, 1943 by .
Manhattan Project Chronology | The Manhattan Project: Making the ...
www.atomicarchive.com › History › The Manhattan Project
Manhattan Project Chronology |
The Manhattan Project family social science ERRORS:
Making the ...
www.atomicarchive.com › History › The Manhattan Project
to proceed to the pilot plant stage and instructs that plant construction be the ...
to proceed to the pilot plant stage and instructs
to proceed to the pilot plant stage and instructs
to proceed to the pilot plan stage and instructs
on Sept 11, 2001
The 9/11 pilot Hijackers:
Amateur Aviators Who Became Super-Pilots
bio-computer programming techniques approved by the
American citiezen/Fed government ISIS project --> IS = Information systems using penIS head bio-computer ...... molecular SOFTWARE
BIOS - Wikipedia
For IBM PC compatible computers, BIOS (/ˈbaɪ.ɒs/ BYOS, an acronym for Basic Input/Output System and also known as the System BIOS, ROM BIOS or PC BIOS) is non-volatile firmware used to perform hardware initialization during the booting process (power-on startup), and to provide runtime services for operating systems ...
BIOS for human beings (What It Is and How to Use It) - Lifewire
https://www.lifewire.com › ... › Computer Concepts and Terminology
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and its
partial awareness of existence- Wikipedia
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), formerly the Bureau of Investigation ( BOI), is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, and its ...
Welcome to the
Carl Jung brain sub-consciousness GROUP MIND
of Hollywood and the FBI missing perceptions
math national security advisor against society bull-shit .....
Zbig equations.gov — FBI
https://www.fbi.gov/FBI Homepage with links to news, services, incomplete stories and biased information of interest to the IDIOT public.
New Age ...... Agent Training — FBI
—called field counselors—
Quantum Hall Effects:
Field Theoretical Approach to FBI Field agents from
the Quant --> Quantum region of Quantico
www.worldscientific.com › All Publications › All Books
by ZF Ezawa
The quantum Hall effect (QHE) is one of the most fascinating and beautiful phenomena in all branches of physics and physical human life .... Nature's creation of criminal EXPRESSIONS
that generate empirical data for theorists.
Tremendous theoretical and experimental
number 26 .....
9 New Massive Bridges and Tunnels That Could Unite Countries and ...
Jun 22, 2016 - Like building massive bridges and digging huge tunnels. ... tip of Spain, and Morocco in North Africa sit just 14km - or 9 miles - from each other.
Africa and Europe join together via Strait of Gibraltar - Econostrum Info
Tunnel to link Spain and Morocco agreed - Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk › News
Tunnel to link Spain and Morocco agreed. By Isambard Wilkinson in Madrid. 12:code words -->
flow into the Med .......... subset
flow input.....heme --->
information FLOW into the
blood iron HEME Fe(2) ions
String Theory Seminar on ROPE data from euROPE ......
UNC-CH / Duke and the
Arch DUKE of Ferrous oxide IRON .... Ferdinand
- UNC Physics
String Theory (Old ..... the Old Lady and the Shoe with Shoe strings) - UNC Physics - The University of North Carolina and nursery carols /rhymes ...
physics.unc.edu › Research › Theoretical Physics
"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe." by Mother Goose ...
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do. She gave them some broth without any bread;. And whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.
There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe - Wikipedia
String Theory PRISON Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
uw.physics.wisc.edu › String Theory
String Theory - damtp - University of Cambridge
by D Tong - 2009 - Related articles
January 2009. String Theory. University of Cambridge Part III Mathematical Tripos. Dr David Tong. Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,.
Formal particle theory and
cotton/ synthetic ..... string theory application- University of Victoria (secrets)
https://www.uvic.ca › home › research › theory group
Beyond providing an arena in which to study unified models
Beyond providing an arena in which to study unified models
Beyond providing an arena in which to stud unified models
provides us with another arsenal of tools with which
provides us with another arsenal of tools with which
provides us with another arsenal of tools with which
provides us with ....... her arse for penis tools with which
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero | prime minister of Spain | Britannica.com
Logical units (LU) with Jose Luis - IBM
A logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a ...
Summary of logical unit (LU) types - IBM
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero | prime minister of Spain | Britannica.com
Zapatero | prime minister of Spain
ZAP - Zero and Add Packed Instruction - ASE Assembler Wiki - Fandom
Frank Zappa - What's New In Baltimore? Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Frank Zappa - What's New In Baltimore? Lyrics | MetroLyrics
IBM Mainframe Assembly for human groups
that assemble at a music concert
ZAP (Zero and ADD)
ZAP (Zero and ADD)
ZAP, Zero and Add Packed process of strings
Operand-1 (b1+d1) is initialized to zero and the guitar data string locatedat the existential physics ......... storage address specified by operand-2 (b2+d2) is added to the guitar data string located at the Computer Earth .... BAL city of BALtimore ....
storage address specified by operand-1.
Operand-2 remains unchanged.
Earth atmosphere ..... O = Oxygen molecule 32 Operand interface
The operands may be different lengths with a maximum length of 16 bytes (or 31 digits since this is packed) for each operand.
ZAP, Zero and Add Packed Instruction, the Frank ZAPPA .....
ZAP musical opera .... operand format is D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2)
ZAP musical opera .... operand format is D1(L1,B1),D2(L2,B2)
The condition code is set as shown below.
Condition Code
0 - op1=0, n/o
1 - op1<0, n/o
2 - op1>0, n/o
3 - overflow
SumMary ....
........Maryland with BAL city
This document is intended to be used as a quick reference for the mainframe, problem-state, non-floating point instructions. This document may be used to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This document and the links to other documents are intended to provide a greater awareness of the Data Management and Application Processing alternatives.
code 33 ......
IBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device
IBM Archives: Exhibits: IBM Storage: IBM 3380 direct access storage device. ... integrated into two head/disk assemblies to improve reliability and efficiency.
IBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device - page 3
At the time, the CJ2 was IBM's lowest price 3380 disk storage subsystem for many customers, especially those with intermediate systems. The new 3380 .
code 33 and 19 tracks ......
code 33 and 19 tracks --> pointer
to year 1933 and
Nature's COMPUTER EARTH existential physics PROJECT announcement ......
via expression agents
The Physics Behind Schrödinger's Cat Paradox - National Geographic
Aug 14, 2013 - Google honors the physicist today with a Doodle. We explain the science behind his famous paradox. Erwin Schrödinger, one of the fathers of quantum mechanics, is famed for a number of important contributions to physics, especially the Schrödinger equation, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933.
Schrödinger's Cat / Box explained with code year 1933
- Telegraph - The Telegraph
www.telegraph.co.uk › Technology › Google › Google Doodle
Schrödinger's Cat / Box explained with code year 1933
Below, example of 3 platters ...
like a stack of kitchen ...Dinner Plates (DP)
like a stack of kitchen ...Dinner Plates (DP)
stack of kitchen ...Dinner Plates (DP) ......
advanced data processing systems
of Nature
.... atomic ENGLISH language explains ....
.... atomic ENGLISH language explains ....
.... floral pattern --> floral --> flo + oral --
atomic information flow ......
electron orbitals
electron orbitals
Thus the super-symmetry ..... existential physics equivalence
Sys1.Catalog / Paul Dirac coffin Box equation of year 1984
--> Co + ff + in -->
code ..... Base 16 HEX'FF" = 255 = High-values ... input to another dimension of M-string theory 11 dimensions ( to be upgraded to 19 dimensions /platters of information display)
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
The Paul Dirac body of atoms ..... an atomic DATABASE was placed in a
COMPUTER EARTH CMS (Content Management System) ......
BLOG Engine container/ coffin ...
6 feet in the EARTH atomic soil .... underground region ..... as explained by Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations and echo signatures
Thus ...... Nikola Tesla and his concepts of EARTH signal systems ....
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...
Schrodinger cat in box ..dead or alive explained
Paul Dirac .. physical biology alive and electron orbitals alive
DEATH and his phase change in year 1984 ......
with the 2000 year math law ......
1984 + base 16 complement to
access the AF (AFterlife information dimension)
= year 2000
thus ...the Schrodinger idea and the Dirac phase changes
gives ............
Paul Dirac .. physical biology DEAD and
electron orbitals inside the coffin ...... continue alive
Paul Dirac and his profile codes
.....ul......ac --> the underwriter LABS (underground version) alternating cycles that radiate information from the base 16 coffin .......
electron orbitals inside the coffin ...... continue alive
thus the Roselawn grave site ..... Rose ....... a Rose-Einstein communications bridge ..... grave hole ....... also known as the Tallahassee wormhole
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/symbolism1 : the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
explained by the more visible actions of
The Underground Railroad was the term used to describe a network of persons who helped escaped slaves on their way to freedom in the northern states or Canada.
Underground Railroad - Black History ...... that is
EARTH black soil and its hidden geological information tunnels .....
explained by the more visible actions of
black soil expression agents ... black people
www.history.com/topics/black-history/underground-railroadThe Underground Railroad was the term used to describe a network of persons who helped escaped slaves on their way to freedom in the northern states or Canada.
Below, the Paul Dirac collection site
EARTH grave sites ........ as vertical earth wormholes
Thus the concept of 2 levels of existence that partially MIRROR each other .....
the EARTH surface levels of alive human activity
the EARTH underground coffin DATABASES ...... various life formats and subroutines
that influence surface thoughts
Thus the concept of 2 levels of existence that partially MIRROR each other ....
An Asimov Companion: Characters, Places and Terms in the ...
Donald E. Palumbo - 2016 - Literary Criticism
Upper Buildings—Such as Sarkite homes, libraries, and sports arenas, were ... Upper City—An elevated level, thirty feet above the
Lower City, that was built on ...
CliffsNotes on Asimov's Foundation Trilogy & Other Works
L. David Allen - 1977 - Literary Criticism
The contrast between the Upper City and the Lower City on Florina reminds the reader that, although the Upper City is beautiful, it is built on the squalor of the ...DuPont is headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware | DuPont USA
www.dupont.com › ... › Opportunity › Full-Time Program
As you join the MLDP, you most likely will spend your first year in Wilmington, home to DuPontheadquarters, to learn the culture and start building your network.Wilmington, Delaware - The Experimental Station | DuPont USA
www.dupont.com › ... › Innovation Delivery › Science › Global R&D Centers
The DuPont Experimental Station research and development facility in Wilmington, Delaware -- home to some of the world's most important scientific discoveries ...
Wilmington, Delaware - The Experimental Station | DuPont USA
Wilmington, Delaware - The Experimental Station | DuPont USA
Wilmington, ......aware - The .............mental Station | DuPont idiots test
DuPont Consolidates Corporate Headquarters at Chestnut Run Plaza ...
www.dupont.com › The DuPont Media Center
Dec 22, 2014 - WILMINGTON, Del., Dec. 22, 2014 – Today DuPont announced that it is consolidating its corporate headquarters at the company's Chestnut ...S. I. Hayakawa - Wikiquote
S. I. Hayakawa ... The Pitfalls of Drama; 1.1.8 The Word Is Not the Thing; 1.1.9 Maps and Territories ... It has been suggested that Language in Thought and Action be merged into this ..... If, however, he grows up with a false map in his head [.Algemene semantiek, Hayakawa: Ch. 2 - Maps and territories
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa. ... Maps and Territories ...
If, however, he grows up with a false map
in his head-that is, with a head ...
in his head-that is, with a head ...
code word .... tiny Z ---> Z Boson and the BOSON bombing in Boston
on April 15, 2013 for Boston violations of atomic social science laws
2016 shooting of Baton Rouge police officers - Wikipedia
On July 17, 2016, Gavin Eugene Long shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in the wake of the shooting of Alton Sterling. Three died and three were ...
Baton Rouge shooter Gavin Long creates a series of COFFIN messages sites ........ that is ...... Erwin Schrodinger ....
Post-office boxes filled
with cops (police bodies .... who are CITY representatives ....
for copper atoms with 29 electron and the city of electricity)
cops (Erwin Schrodinger dead cops in a coffin message box )
placed in the EARTH atomic soil /clay ........ 6 feet under ... the
underground continuum of Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations
NY Daily News
Jul 18, 2016 · Watch video · The gunman in the devastating Baton Rouge shooting that killed three cops has been identified as Gavin Eugene Long.
Above ......SYMBOL MACHINE ......... earth geology atoms .......
atomic living language ..... code words ----->
Mexico Prison escape ..... letters
.........cop ........ e ..... ......
.........copper electrons ...message VIA
.........copper electrons ...message VIA
the Hawking event horizon .....
Nature's creation of a data generating
... moment generating .....
signaling EVENT
signaling EVENT
- No less than 29 inmates escaped to their freedom from a jail in Tamaulipas, Mexico after fleeing prison through a 40-meter-long tunnel
- Mar 23, 2017 · Mass escape: 29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico prison through 120 ... The escape of so many inmates comes just two years after the ...
No less than 29 inmates escaped to their freedom from a jail in Tamaulipas, Mexico after fleeing prison through a 40-meter-long tunnel
No less than 29 inmates escaped to their freedom from a jail in Tamaulipas, Mexico after fleeing prison through a 40-meter-long tunnel
Mass escape:
29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico ...
Mar 23, 2017 · El Chapo may be gone from Mexico, but tunnel-aided escapes by inmates are alive and well. On Wednesday, 29 suspected drug cartel members
used a 120-foot long tunnel .......
thus message numbers 29 and 120 as explained
by Gavin LONG and 3 cop agents of Baton Rouge ... LINK to BAT
---> Batavia Physics ......... communications prison at FermiLAB
Below, an EARTH language / linguistics MAP region
and the EARTH LAB proper noun identifier ........ Mapleton
with nearby gravity CODE highway 67 and Base 16 hexadecimal highway 16
Gravity number has 2 parts ........
left side number 6 and right side number 67
About New Mexico Route 66 -
Information and History of gravity MOTHER ROAD .....
Route 66 ......... equation profile for humans
6.6 10 fingers exponent minus/missing SKU11 .... Nm
www.legendsofamerica.com/66-newmexicoroad.htmlNew Mexico's Mother Road provides the Route 66 enthusiast with a variety of landscapes, from beautiful mountain ranges, to sandstone mesas, desert ..
code word ---> tourist resort --> re + sort
---> (geo-data and bio-data) record sort
EARTH systems ....code word --> Adirondacks equation
--> Ad + iron + da + ack -->
add ......
ferrous oxide iron data & Da (Differential amplifier)
........ acknowledgment
IBM CICS explains human bio-computer AIDS
... Attention Identifier Data Set
... Attention Identifier Data Set
The BOTANY social science applications team ....... Map leaf ......
Maple leafs ICE-hockey sport to penetrate the
Sigmund Freud ice-berg model of the Carl Jung collective (audience) GROUP MIND
Junior Seau, Famed NFL Linebacker of age ..... plus / + 43 ,
Dies at 43 ---> becoming negative/- 43 .....
Planck TIME of Death ......... war casualty ..... minus 43
www.nytimes.com/.../junior-seau-famed-nfl-linebacker-dies-at-43-in-apparent-suicide...May 2, 2012 - Junior Seau, regarded as one of the N.F.L.'s best linebackers over a 20-year career with the Chargers, the Dolphins and the Patriots, died of a ...
Junior Seau ..... vertical life in the EARTH gravity field with
his IRON atomic mass 55 interaction code ........
per GRID IRON football on the EARTH geography surface ......
football field that are within the NORTH POLE magnetic field FLOW lines
his IRON atomic mass 55 interaction code ........
per GRID IRON football on the EARTH geography surface ......
football field that are within the NORTH POLE magnetic field FLOW lines
The Spectral Analysis of Time-Series - jstor
by GM Jenkins - 1957 - Cited by 50 - Related articles
PAGE. The Spectral Analysis of Time Series. G. M. JENKINS and M. B. PRIESTLEY . 1. On Estimating the Spectral Density Function of a Stochastic Process.Abstract
(i) A REVIEW has been made of spectral analysis and its relation with other branches of time-series analysis. A detailed account has been given of the methods available for estimating the spectral density, the band spectrum and the integrated spectrum; suggestions have also been made for confidence intervals for the latter two estimators. (ii) Emphasis has been laid throughout upon the difficulties which are met in practice and gaps in the theoretical structure have been indicated. In applications to physical problems, it is suggested that an empirical statistical approach is not enough by itself and that more realistic descriptions of each particular phenomenon should be attempted. (iii) Reference has already been made in Section 9 to a sampling investigation in which it is proposed to apply the techniques mentioned in this paper to a large number of artificially constructed series of the type given by (1).
Exploratory Spectral Analysis of Time Series - Springer
by A Lewandowski - 1994 - Related articles
Over 20 years have passed since the publication of a book by Box and Jenkins (
code name --> Luc Robitalille --> secret code name to LINK
BEC code ..... LuBec, Maine and QueBEC
Lubec, Maine - Wikipedia
Lubec is a town in Washington County, Maine, United States. The population was 1,359 at the 2010 census. Lubec is the easternmost town in the contiguous ...
Lubec, Maine and Computer earth
code 46 and 1933 --> the living EARTH cell announcement about
its human chromosome pair (23 + 23 = 46 ) in year 1933 ......
its human chromosome pair (23 + 23 = 46 ) in year 1933 ......
code name Curtis--> Cu + Rt --> copper 29 and the Route 29 murders
Route 29 Stalker | Unsolved Mysteries of electrical utility companies,
state utility commissions, and the Department of Energy
Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March ...
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
Since 1996 there has been an unusually high number of cases involving young women ... Randy Taylor was later found guilty of first-degree murder in the commission of an abduction and abduction with intent to defile in connection with the ...
Police still hunting Rt. 29 Stalker after 21 years | WUSA9.com
Mar 2, 2017 - Investigators say they are still looking for the Rt. 29 Stalker, who tried to ... the serial killer who murdered Kristin and Katie Lisk, 15 and 12, and ...
code --> Roberts and Sami Salo
code --> Roberts and Sami Salo
code --> Rob --> mirco ROB --> Microbiology
code --> Roberts /microbiology & Sami Salo
code --> Sami Salo
code --> S ami S
--> School amino shooting
--> Ami ... amino acid education WAR played out at the
--> School amino shooting
--> Ami ... amino acid education WAR played out at the
Ami --> Amish School shooting
one-room schoolhouse
one-room schoolhouse
one-room molecule schoolhouse
Amish School ..... molecule educate site
.... Shooting in Lancaster PA
https://lancasterpa.com › The Amish
The shooting took place at the West Nickel Mines Amish School, located about 12 miles southeast of Lancaster City. Nickel Mines is just a crossroads within Bart ...
On October 2, 2006, a shooting occurred at the West Nickel Mines School, an Amish one-room schoolhouse in the Old Order Amish community of Nickel Mines, a village in Bart Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.[1][2][3] Gunman Charles Carl Roberts IV took hostages and shot eight out of ten girls (aged 6–13), killing five, before committing suicide in the schoolhouse
The West Nickel Mines School was torn down to cover-up evidence
of the amino acid molecular education WAR .... data generating EVENT.
of the amino acid molecular education WAR .... data generating EVENT.
A new one-room schoolhouse full of bull-shit, lies, schemes, and incomplete explanations |......
.was built with the approval of the arrogant and myopic Department of Education DIVISION of superior knowledge of all of Nature's systems and its educational processes.
.was built with the approval of the arrogant and myopic Department of Education DIVISION of superior knowledge of all of Nature's systems and its educational processes.
code number 47 and 39 --> 39 LINK to Potassium number 19
--> giving message numbers 19 and 47
Sigmund Freud Museum (Vienna) 47 years at Berggasse 19
- Wikipedia
The Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna is a museum founded in 1971 covering Sigmund Freud's life story. It is located in the Alsergrund district, at Berggasse 19. ... His old rooms, where he lived for 47 years and produced the majority of his ...
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies .......
After his programmed bio-computer murder
in the COMPUTER HOST ... Hostage message .....
data generating EVENT ...
Marionette puppet high school of wimps and chicken brains .....
Marinette High School ......... thus the philosophy department ROLE in the
murder of sophomore Sam ...
Wisconsin high school hostage-taker Samuel Hengel age 15
... dies - BBC News
Watertown's Octagon House - Watertown Historical Society
Watertown, Wisconsin 53094. Phone (920) 261-2796. To many area residents the title "Watertown Historical Society" and "The Octagon House" are one and the ...
Octagon House (Watertown, Wisconsin) - Wikipedia
The Octagon House in Watertown, Wisconsin, also known as the Octagon House Museum or the John Richards Octagon House, was built in 1854 and listed on ...